Author Topic: Spell slotting in lists  (Read 1522 times)

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Offline kasalin

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Spell slotting in lists
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:30:59 AM »
How are the spell slots determined in the various spell lists?  I was looking at the lists in the Guild Companion for February and was curious how people decide spell X is level 8 while spell y is level 10.  I understand that many of the higher level spells are duration/range/# affected increments, but if you have spells: Open Door and Close Door, how do you determine which is the higher level one?  Having created spells for HARP, there is a formula for spell creation.  Is there something similar in RM?  Thanks!
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Offline markc

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Re: Spell slotting in lists
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 11:20:45 AM »
 The is no official rules for spell creation and determining what ranks that spells belong in, that I am aware of. It would be nice if there was one and it would mean a new edition of Spell Law and every published spell list to fit the new formula. Not a bad project if I say so myself.
 There are also some benefits and some losses by having a formula. Everything is defined and has a space. Without one spells can jockey for spots (ranks) and provide for a bit more flavor and unique character, IMHO.

 Your question about Open Door and Closed Door spells has been handled in many games by a simple RR of the attacking spell vs the defending spell. You use the casters level(s) as the #'s, or some simply so a spell rank vs a spell rank on the RR table.
 I have some specific spells in my game that I allow the casters to expend extra PP to make harder to dispel but I am thinking about making it an option available to all spells.

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Offline kasalin

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Re: Spell slotting in lists
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 11:45:14 AM »
  Your question about Open Door and Closed Door spells has been handled in many games by a simple RR of the attacking spell vs the defending spell. You use the casters level(s) as the #'s, or some simply so a spell rank vs a spell rank on the RR table.
 I have some specific spells in my game that I allow the casters to expend extra PP to make harder to dispel but I am thinking about making it an option available to all spells.


Sorry, I was unclear on my meaning in this example. What I meant was, if I'm making a new list and Open and Close Door spells are on the list, how do I choose which is the more powerful (i.e., higher rank) spell.  Since there's no written standard, sounds like I slot them based on how I feel for the day.
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Offline markc

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Re: Spell slotting in lists
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 12:16:10 PM »
 Yes you are correct. You slot them based on the theme of the spell list. Then the Gm checks it for balance or someone else does.
 This was a big problem back in the RM2 days with lost of fan spell lists being too powerful and resulted in power creep. Some loved the creep and some did not.
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