Author Topic: Finding HARP players.  (Read 1307 times)

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Offline danskmacabre

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Finding HARP players.
« on: November 12, 2010, 06:37:34 AM »
I used to run harp a few years back and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I then moved to a new area/job and tried finding more players.

Sadly after a year of searching for players (on various forums, player seach sites etc) I was unsuccessful.

I then bought Pathfinder and got a full team of players pretty quickly.

Now personally I'd rather run HARP and I'm gonna give it a go to try and convert my curent players to HARP, but they might not go for it, which is ok as that was what I got them together for.

I might like to run a campaign on another evening tho for HARP. Has anyone had much success finding players for HARP when moving into a new area?   
If so, what did you do to get players?

Offline calmacil

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Re: Finding HARP players.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 12:22:24 PM »
The best way is the method you've already done. Search for a roleplay group/players, start them with a system they know (or start as one of the players) Have patience, then introduce Harp to the group.

I'm lucky, the group I've got are willing to try anything new. We've been through most roleplay systems, we're going to start our first campaign of Harp some time this year

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Finding HARP players.
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 10:37:12 AM »
Well, if that are happens to be Knoxville, then you got one right here, but otherwise..... I would suggest using HARP 20-fied to run your current Pathfinder game ans see how they like it. (Minor tweeking would be involved, but nothing you can't do on the fly, I am sure.) If they do, then see if you can just convert the characters they currently have to their HARP versions and just continue on. I know that I prefer to not have to start back at 1 once I have been playing a character for a while.
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Offline Uriel

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Re: Finding HARP players.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 05:15:24 PM »
Well, I suggest not trying to 'convert' them (I love PF, but that is a different subject).
Trying to expand their gaming experience is a much better tactic.
A second game sounds great. Maybe a one-shot session with some interesting pregens, that highlight some of the things that HARP has, that PF doesn't (The racial mixing is different, as well as having the casters with spells that PF casters might not have, for example).

Years back, a friend and I went to a local Con, hoping to play RM. We found a guy who ran MERP, as well as D&D. He let us vote, as a group, 4 people wanted D&D,2nd Ed, we wanted MERP.
So... he had us all make 3rd lvl characters in our preferred system.
Easy enough on the fly, with Orcs,Goblins, etc...

While they attacked and hit, doing D8+3 or whatever, we did crits with ongoing effects. The D&D players were fascinated by Stun, bleeding and things like tendon damage. Likewise, the skills, Open-Ended rolls...Not to mention Healing Herbs.
It did go bad for us in one area. We took a fall...While they all took 2D6 damage, we took a +20 fall/Crush. Ouch.  My friend's character ended up with a broken leg, and I with some minor wounds,whil they all dusted themselves up after the fall... Still, it converted some folks, and encouraged them to try the new game.

Offline Erik Sharma

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Re: Finding HARP players.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2010, 10:42:21 PM »
Well my first idea was to try to sell them on trying out a Pathfinder scenarion but with the HARP system.
I am currently running the Rise of the Runelords adventure path with HARP and so far it seem to work perfectly.
Tried it earlier with RM but was way harder to balance the opposition in RM and we ended up with a group wipe in the end of the first adventure. HARP so far seem to be way better adapted to the heroic style adventures and was quite easy to recreate the non-existing monsters with HARP using Monsters a Field Guide.

Offline Kasdaye

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Re: Finding HARP players.
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 10:25:42 AM »
It's the same in Leeds. Difficult to find people! Our local Travelling Man runs a Pathfinder game on a monday so I was going to go and attempt to convert some of them to the light of HARP ;) (I've never played pathfinder so I can't judge really!), but I never got round to it in the end...

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