Author Topic: [wiki] Nostin  (Read 2922 times)

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[wiki] Nostin
« on: September 18, 2009, 04:10:09 AM »
I will probably be GMing my Cyradon campaign again soon (I take turns with another GM), hence I'm returning to the forums. Somehow, I'm on and off depending on my GM status.
Seeing that the wiki is live, and as I'm already itching to fill in some details, I thought we could start "building", and I'd like to "build" Nostin. There is little information on Nostin, so we have free reign for fan ideas. There are some information about the dwarves in the Cyradon timeline that should be thought about. Here's what I think is set:

* Nostin is one of the outposts that the dwarves inhibited during the building of Belynar.
* Nostin had a teleportation chamber with a gate to Belynar, possibly to other places.
* After Belynar was finished, the dwarves moved to Blackflame (this was almost 5000 years ago!! A lot would have happened to the ruins, and they were most probably inhibited by other people. Whole cultures could rise and fall in 5000 years).

In my campaign, I introduced an NPC that I found nice, and I thought I'd throw her in here:

A naiad in Nostin
(click to show/hide)

What are your ideas for Nostin? What about the teleportation chamber? Will it be mysteriously activated? If so, why would it? Are there remnants of other cultures? What happened in those 5000 years?
"What's in the box?" - "Pain."