Author Topic: Rules Question: Additional Profession Talent  (Read 2728 times)

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Offline Saddith

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Rules Question: Additional Profession Talent
« on: July 13, 2008, 08:17:26 PM »
Does the following quote mean that my favored skills categories are set by the last profession I leveled or does it mean that once I add a new profession that my favored skill categories change to the new profession regardless whether I level the original profession again?

?Should a player decide to purchase the Additional
Profession Talent, allowing their character the opportunity to
add a new Profession, the character?s Favored Skill Categories
will change as well to those of the new Profession.

Note: Adding a new Profession may alter the Development
Point cost of any skill rank purchased during this
period. Make sure all cost changes are taken into account
prior to a character acquiring new skill ranks!? ?HARP p14

Offline Rasyr-Mjolnir

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Re: Rules Question: Additional Profession Talent
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 09:10:23 PM »
You should also read the actual Talent description as well (starting on page 48 and ending on page 49).

When you go up a level, if you are adding a new profession, it MUST be the first thing that you purchase with your DP for that level.

Once you purchase that new profession, your Favored Categories are now those of the new profession and you now have one level of development in that new profession (once the rest of your DP have been spent).

The next time you go up a level, you must decide which profession you are advancing in. And your Favored Categories will be the ones for the profession selected.

For example, your character is a Fighter (3)/Thief (1), which means that he is a 4th level character. When he reaches 5th level, he has to decide whether to advance as a Fighter or as a Thief. If he advances as a Fighter, then his Favored Categories for the level will be those of a Fighter. If he chooses to Advance as a Thief, then his Favored Categories will be those of a thief. Or he could decide to acquire another profession, and if so, then his Favored Categories for the level will be those of the new profession.

I hope that helps

Offline Saddith

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Re: Rules Question: Additional Profession Talent
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 02:43:57 AM »
Yes, this does help. Thank you.

I am reading the book cover to cover and asking the questions as they occur to me, which is why I had not read page 48 yet.