Author Topic: 2:1 opponents misuse parrying rule  (Read 3843 times)

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Offline HawksNut

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Re: 2:1 opponents misuse parrying rule
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2014, 01:26:36 PM »
As a GM myself, why does the Dragon have to continue to attack the same character? If a character in my game declares that his character is going to use 1/2 OB to parry and then the Dragon or two Orcs decide to attack another character (within range of course)the first character (that declared 1/2 parry) does not get their OB back. Having been to infantry boot camp, if you are in hand to hand combat drills and you decide in your mind that you are going to block the opponents blows, it is very difficult to change and go on the attack. You need to decide one or the other.

Offline Cory Magel

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Re: 2:1 opponents misuse parrying rule
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2014, 09:35:05 PM »
It makes ganging up on a single target that much more effective (besides splitting up and attacking from different angles to get the flank/rear attack bonus, my group's #1 preferred tactic that can even be combined with the careful "full parry" approach).
I'm pretty sure the rule is the way it is to avoid this particular scenario.  Obviously this can be house ruled and no one would begrudge you that.  I even agree it's more realistic to allow it, however does the group ever get it done TO them?

Most GM's find that when players figure out an amazing tactic that let's them pound something that they normally wouldn't be able to and the GM does it back to them when the situation would realistically call for it the players change their minds about the fun vs realism balance in allowing it. :)
- Cory Magel

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Offline Marrethiel

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Re: 2:1 opponents misuse parrying rule
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2014, 12:43:26 AM »
Remember you also have Orientation Rolls available (General Perception usually but RMSS would have its various combat perceptions)
We tend to keep it pretty simple.
When it is your turn, do what you want, the lower initiative person hopes to survive with a parry and can then do what it wants. In the case of the dragon with its multiple attacks; if it wants to lay them all on one PC then that character's parry applies to all attacks. The dragon would be wiser to spread its attacks around to keep multiple opponents parrying. This is a feature of RM
1 opponent: some parry and shield
2 opponents: shield on one, parry on the other
3 opponents: shield on one, parry on the other, raw DB on the last... then hope you have a good healer.
Gatekeeper to the Under-Dark: "Why are you seeking passage?"
Kal-El pauses in thought (briefly contemplating how to manage the Never Lie and Always Deceive curses on him), "I came to conquer all know-able universes".
Gatekeeper: You may pass.
Gatekeeper: Who are you?
Kal El: A tourist