Author Topic: Less than lethal combat options  (Read 1389 times)

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Offline korg20000bc

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Less than lethal combat options
« on: June 24, 2014, 07:25:02 AM »
I'm interested in what people are doing in their games for combat options where a PC or NPC wishes to use non-lethal or less than lethal attacks.
Maybe a character has a code against killing or wants to subdue a friend who has imbibed too much and gets belligerant.  Perhaps a character wants to wrestle a foe into submission.  The Hold-at-bay combat manouver is pretty good.  Some other options would be excellent. 
Knock-outs don't happen often in criticals.  Does anyone use a system where a character can pull their punches or allow them to attack with the intention to subdue/cause unconciousness?

I'm thinking about running a game for some kids who are kids in the game.  Even getting past a goblin guarding a door could be a major encounter. And, instead of having to hack it up, bonging it on the head with a bag or dropping onto the goblin's back from above would be a good way to go.  Even one kid tackling the legs while the others swarm/overwhelm the said goblin could result in a knock-out... perhaps. 

Maybe I'm aiming too low for "High Adventure," though.

I think it heroic not to kill even though capable of it and I would like encourage these options without just fudging everything.

Any ideas?


Offline korg20000bc

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Re: Less than lethal combat options
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 07:50:58 AM »
Another non-lethal situation that needs considering it a village constable cuffing a young scallywag over the head to learn him some manners or to help him lose interest in the merchant's wares.

Maybe attacking to stun?

Offline pyrotech

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Re: Less than lethal combat options
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 10:08:55 AM »
Just last night I was reviewing some thing for HARP, and I noticed that the Arcane Missile spell is really a pretty nonlethal attack option.  It doesn't cause any major wounds, it doesn't cause any bleeds, all it does is some concussion damage and maybe some stun.  Even a massively open ended critical only ends up in a practically un-resistable spell.

Since Joe Average has around 40 hits in Harp and fall unconscious at 0 but doesn't start dying until -50, it would take on average 2 4d10 empowered blasts to knock Joe out - but it would take 2 to three more against the unconscious Joe to kill him.

Of course other attack spells may be more efficient against most targets for this (Sleep, etc.).

But as far as for melee combat, the most common answers are just using tiny/small crushing attacks (fists, small clubs, blackjacks) to limit the severity of hit results and using the Subdual rules.  -20 to pick any crit on the chart less than or equal to the rolled result can cause more knockouts. 

I would even consider making a combat style for this if enough people in the setting actively trained/studied how to do non-lethal attacks.  I'd probably take a lesson from Mounted Combat and let the style reduce the penalty, until 0 then let 1/2 any additional skill count as a OB bonus.  But before I made such a style fully available in a game I would test this out.  I'm a bit concerned that 8DP to pick any crit equal or less than your roll may be a bit too cheap and overpowering, plus I would need to check on the math of (X-20)/2 and see if that would allow PCs to overly exploit the skill cost progression or skill caps. 

But I am filled with the picture of Prince Philionel El Di Seyruun yelling "Pacifist Crush!" and  "Kindness to All Creatures Kick!"


Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Less than lethal combat options
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 11:54:07 AM »
Use the Subdue option. Attacker gets the hit data, lowers it pretty much by as much as he wants.

Also didn't see that this was already mentioned.

Offline Alwyn

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Re: Less than lethal combat options
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 02:53:06 PM »
Wasn't there an option somewhere in the old Martial Law that allowed you to subdue an opponent?
Alwyn Erendil
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Offline tbigness

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Re: Less than lethal combat options
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 03:11:45 PM »
In the non-renewal Combat Companion there was a Sparring critical chart. That was awesome for non-lethal damage.
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