Author Topic: Is there a Resist Detection skill?  (Read 1200 times)

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Offline bones996

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Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:53:44 PM »
    I was wondering about this because I thought I remembered reading about it somewhere but I can't find it in any of my books. I know there is the Undetectable talent in Character Law but it can't be improved like a skill can as far as I know.

Offline providence13

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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 10:54:49 PM »
What kind of Detection did you have in mind. Something like Presence or Misfeel? None that I now of..  I'm not sure how you'd build up/practice that skill. There is some info in the back of Spell Law that talks about Magic Resistance. Maybe that could help vs. one Realm.
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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 11:17:47 PM »
  I do not remember what book it is in because I do not use the skill but people have often added Resist Realm skill to their game. So you would have to develop each skill to resist that realms detection spell.

 AFAIK, I do not know of a skill like you remember but maybe some magic item (artifact) gave a PC in the past that ability to resist all detection spells at your level or the ability to have a special skill to develop. I do not know of any artifacts that do this in RM except some from MERP but I can see how it would be very advantageous in game and how many would want to develop such an enchantment.
  You could get together with your GM and see what you would need to create the item and how much it would $.
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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 03:06:34 AM »
There are 2 ways of magically gathering information:

Information spells (type: I) that do not require RR's, so there is basically no way to withhold that information from being gathered.

Passive (type P spells) and Utility (Type U) that, if the GM wants it, Could require a RR. The RR here is to determine only if the target of the spell is aware of the information gathering, which is just as bad, or perhaps even worse, as being allowed to resist the spell.

The above speaks about RR's that completely negate the spell effect from taking place; which is not applicable, it seems, to informational spells, so they ALWAYS take place (barring spell failure)

Then there is the Information spell note in the back of the book, spell law, of essence, p98, 15.13:
"The basic attack roll for spells that impart information to
a character should be rolled by the GM. Because a failure
may impart false information to the PC, the player should
not know whether the roll was successful or not. As a rule of
thumb, a mild failure should result in vague or slightly incorrect
information, when any information is received at all. A
severe failure should give misleading or even dangerously
wrong information to the PC."

I like to interprete this as follows: the spell WILL trigger a RR, but a hidden one. This determines how well the spell succeeded. No success (the target succeeds the RR) will impart false information (for example, cast a detect evil and a detect undead at a random skeleton found next to a vase: the Lich is not evil at all, neither undead). Mild success will yield some information: (the Lich is evil, but the degree is not known. Also it might be an undead) I take this to be: the Target failed the RR by 1-25) then every 25 above that the caster will glean more information (Lich is evil to the extreme and is a type 6 undead). So in my opinion, simply following the RAW, there IS a way to avoid detection. Note however that I twist the wording from, mild failure by the caster, to mild success by the target, which I hold to be interchangeable. (And also Mild success by the caster = Mild failure by the target).
Bonuses to this RR would be standard RR bonus vs the realm of the caster. The Basic Attack Roll (BAR) would indicate how powerfully the spell is cast.
I usually bunch together the RR's for detecting the spell and resisting the information extraction, so that gathering false information also alerts the target to information being gathered, and success at gather information will not alert the target, but they could be separate rolls, as indicated by the RAW.
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Offline bones996

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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 03:30:50 AM »
   Thanks all. I finally found it in the 1992 Alchemy Companion, and here I thought I was going crazy. I think maybe I might have too many rulebooks from too many different systems  :o
   The Charlatan from that set made use of it & I think I might too now. I'd post a description, but I'm not sure it's allowed. At any rate it is a skill that can be built up & would work well for a scout or magent or the like.

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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 04:15:53 AM »
We've just started using it recntly for our new campaign. care for updates on our experiences with it?

Offline bones996

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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 05:19:49 AM »
Gladly. We're starting a new campaign ourselves soon and tips & tricks on different ways of doing things are always good  8)  Now if I could just get that pesky Windows dog to quit eating our primary GMs "homework" I could start playing more :)

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Re: Is there a Resist Detection skill?
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 10:49:11 AM »
RMC did add a cascading RR, but it related more to the target sensing the I spell than it failing to gather info. . .only a rr by over 50 blocked the effect.

I think I may prefer the idea of false information more, all things considered.
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