Author Topic: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline calmacil

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Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« on: October 24, 2010, 11:51:50 AM »
I was reading the loading times for the crossbows. I got 2 questions.  ;D

1) Is loading a heavy crossbow (or light crossbow) noisy?
I'm guessing this weapon requires two big cranks that have to be turned, and it's these that draw back the string (a bit like a Roman bolt thrower)

2) Do you allow characters to walk around with a loaded bow or crossbow?

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Re: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 12:14:32 PM »
1) It isn't silent, but it isn't terribly noisy, either. As long as there is *some* ambient noise, it isn't likely to stand out even if audible. This assumes the weapon and loading device are well-maintained, of course. Rust or loss of fit or lack of proper lubrication could presumably increase noise significantly. It maybe isn't as quiet as a self bow, but a crossbowman should be able to perform the sniper role quite adequately.

2) You can certainly walk with an arrow nocked or a loaded crossbow. With a self bow, the issue is that you don't want to do this all the time, because you don't want to keep the bow strung all the time (it's bad to keep it constantly stressed). (Exception: In my world elven bows *can* be kept strung at all times. In addition to specialty bows like that, one might also rule that magical bows can hold up to it.) Also, you want to protect the bowstring itself, which can be damaged by water. Depending on the materials used, there may or may not be an issue with keeping your crossbow readied at all times. However, if you are expecting combat, there's no reason you can't walk and have your weapon ready. In the case of a self bow, you'd keep the arrow knocked, but you wouldn't pull the bow until you had a target, but I think the time split for readying the bow vs. attacking with it should be at the point of nocking the arrow anyhow, so I wouldn't complicate things any because of this.
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Re: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 04:19:15 PM »
IMO, larger crossbows are louder than smaller ones. They could be made with quiet gears, a magical equivalent of Teflon coating to reduce noise, though.
I have never fired a crossbow or ratcheted one back so I'll have to ask around.
I do think that larger crank is necessary for a stronger bow and makes more noise.
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Re: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 04:28:14 PM »
A hand spanned bow would make as much noise as a hand bow of equal size. . .perhaps a creak as the stave bends, with the addition of a click when the string to trigger mechanism is engaged . . . all of which could be made very quiet if done slowly, or with a bow that has sound taken into consideration on the build (like a felt block for the engaged trigger to hit so it doesn't click).

Toss in a goat foot lever to cock it, and again, putting the lever into the socket and the pulling action could be a clack and a click, or quiet if done slowly or with a specially made quiet mechanism. . .closest modern parallel I can think of. . . you could put a tire iron onto a lugnut and get it off quietly. . .but if it's rusted on, or you're doing it in a rush, there will be clangs and groaning screaming metal involved.

Upscale it to a heavy bow with a crank-windlass. . . especially one with a ratchet, and you have the potential for clanking it into place, then the rattle-tick of the ratchet as you wind. . . which could also be reduced by taking it slow or having well maintained gear, or gear made to run quiet. . . taking the lugnut above off with a ratchet wrench is going to make a racket of a lot of clicking which will be heard. . .unless you have a specially designed quiet ratchet designed not to rattle-click when turned.
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Re: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 09:44:35 PM »
I own and shoot crossbows, so I will try and help a bit.

There is a minimal amount of noise in cocking a crossbow, but often an audible *click* to one that has some sort of locking mechanism. Think of those road devices that police use, where you can drive over one direction, but not the other. The string passes it easily enough, then *click* it is held until discharged.
My father's crossbow is 90 pounds (He has had it since he was a kid...50+ years,pretty awesome. My strongest crossbow is 150 pounds draw weight, so it would be at the top end of 'light', especially if one looks at some of the crossbows from 500 years ago etc...

Some Gamer will undoubtedly come forth with WIki'd info (I do it, we all do it) about some 400 pound draw from this or that crossbow, but for a standard portable one, 150 is pretty strong. My brother and I used to shoot it through truck tailgates in an old lot.

Anyways, with any sort of windlass device, there will be noise, likewise, with a cocking lever. A foot stirrup/goat's foot/paw won't add noticeable noise (Other than from the user, I have been known to 'Oompf!' a bit when sore, after shooting all day).

As far as carrying it, it is possible, but unless there is some sort of safety device, dangerous for anyone in front of you, and definitely dangerous if you are moving over difficult ground/quickly. As much danger for the crossbow (Which will take damage if suddenly thrown to the ground) as to the user from accidental misfires...

Hope that helps a bit.


Offline calmacil

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Re: Is loading a heavy crossbow noisy?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 09:12:12 AM »
Thanks all. Some great replies, helped me a lot.  ;D

I think i may allow a difficult perception roll to hear the heavy crossbow, modified by distance.