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Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by pawsplay on May 26, 2024, 01:26:49 PM »
How much do you, personally, make per hour on your books?

That's tricky to answer, because I make several different kinds of books, and sometimes there is a long tail. But for the smaller books that make most of their sales in the first six months, probably about $10 an hour.

How much would your small business need to grow to be able to commission art for $30 000 to cover the five main RMU books?

I don't know where you are getting that figure. $3,000 would probably get you nice covers for all five books; for twice that, you would have your pick of artists.

Why should we at all assume they could predict such sales?

Well, if you run a Kickstarter, it's a cinch.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by rdanhenry on May 26, 2024, 12:42:49 PM »
So, I see RMU Core Law is a Platinum seller, which means it has sold at least 1,001 copies. The PDF is $25. I'm going to assume the printed books are roughly that plus the cost of shipping and printing; that could be quite different, but shouldn't affect the overall picture too much. That means that on DriveThru, they have generated $25,000 or so in sales, off the top. As far as I am aware, they don't sell anywhere else, so at the 70% exclusive rate, they get to keep $17,500 or so from that book.

Assuming they could predict something along those sales numbers, if they spent 15% of the expected profit on art, they would have around $2625 to spend on art. That may be low; I usually plan on spending about 25% of gross on art, as needed. So let's say somewhere between $2500 and $6000.
That figure isn't profit, it is income. There were numerous contributors to writing Core Law, who needed to be paid for a good many years of work on the project. The layout guy also needed to be paid. Presumably, the editorial heads received some compensation as well. There's also the initial investment of buying the rights to Rolemaster that need to be recovered before there is any profit. I'm pretty sure that even if you ignore the art budget, RMU didn't reach profitability on the sales of Core Law alone. I hope it did with Spell Law.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Aircraft and flying, done with Treasure Law
« Last post by Thot on May 26, 2024, 12:40:07 PM »
Gotcha! That makes total sense. Thanks for that hint. :)
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Aircraft and flying, done with Treasure Law
« Last post by rdanhenry on May 26, 2024, 12:24:29 PM »
The size of the flying carpet is limited by the Work Weave spell. The highest level version is Work Weave VI at level 40, producing a 6' x 10' carpet. At 60 square feet, that can carry up to 3 tons (6,000 pounds) but assuming each person needs 2' x 2' space for seating, limited to 15 riders. It's quite a useful transport, but it won't be carrying full ships aloft.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Aircraft and flying, done with Treasure Law
« Last post by Thot on May 26, 2024, 11:34:45 AM »
What especially fascinating about Flying Carpets is:

"The carpet can support up to 100 pounds per square foot of carpet (seating space can also be a limiting factor)"

In other words, about 500 kilograms per square meter, and the carpet's size is NOT limited in any way. So one could indeed weave a carpet 10 meters wide and 100 meters long, and have it carry stuff weighing up to 500 tons!

Would this mean flying ships are basically just flying carpets with wooden attachments?
Shadow World / Re: duranaki chronicles
« Last post by Micael on May 26, 2024, 07:47:41 AM »
Hi to all interested,

Virii (magic) is the Iruaric language the author used - I look to the books as fanfiction because the price is so low, that only amazon gets something for posting it - so copyright violation is minor in my opinion - similar as others of you that publish fan modules that are original meant for ICE shadowworld product line.

I personally love the books (5 stars), having changed the strange names in the second book back to Terran and original name of Kulthea in spacemaster. Thats much more fun to read. In my opinion its (after Terrys books) the best shadowworld fiction I have read for a long time - smoothly and refreshing with a lot of Rolemaster classes and spells described very well.
I hope the author will write more (and in fact I would give him an official shadowworld book to write and publish if I were ICE, because he is just so good...:-) And we need bitterly somebody who hold up the flag.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Aircraft and flying, done with Treasure Law
« Last post by Thot on May 26, 2024, 07:22:08 AM »
Ah, but there is Flying Carpet, the spell (or group of spells) from the Psychographer base list! This is extraordinarily cheap, at material cost for the carpet plus 589  silver pieces for a carpet that can run at 50 feet per round, or about 3 meters per second (about 10 kilometers per hour)! Faster versions do exist, but this is by far the cheapest entry-level aircraft I have found so far!
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by Thot on May 26, 2024, 06:42:18 AM »
[...] getting all the books out should IMHO be the highest priority.

Yes, but then, I would recommend to use rather no (or less) art than bad art.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by pastaav on May 26, 2024, 03:56:02 AM »
Assuming they could predict something along those sales numbers, if they spent 15% of the expected profit on art, they would have around $2625 to spend on art. That may be low; I usually plan on spending about 25% of gross on art, as needed. So let's say somewhere between $2500 and $6000.

Why should we at all assume they could predict such sales?

The number of sales for individual books before the whole RMU is released was always a total unknown. We know there are many who say they will play other things while they wait for RMU to be complete so it can be played without materials from the previous editions or other roleplaying systems.

Myself, I am pleasantly surprised of the strong sales despite RMU still missing essential parts and I would not have dared to predict such interest in the game before RMU Core Law arrived.
And just to be clear, while my business is still small, I run a commercial endeavor.

What is your hourly salary for this commercial endeavor?

How much would your small business need to grow to be able to commission art for $30 000 to cover the five main RMU books?
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by 5th Knight of Xar on May 26, 2024, 02:35:41 AM »
My point is: What was the profit? I don't think you can realistically compare what you did as a justification for complaining. I don't think you want to tell us yours (part of the point of Merkir's question) and I don't think you can tell us on the others mentioned. And before you think you can say you made a profit because you didn't need to pay yourself, that's not a reasonable comparison.

I definitely pay myself.

The vast majority of people here not walked a mile in their shoes, so they need to lay off a bit on the armchair criticism.

I'm guessing that wasn't directed at me, as I am indie RPG publisher?

So, I see RMU Core Law is a Platinum seller, which means it has sold at least 1,001 copies. The PDF is $25. I'm going to assume the printed books are roughly that plus the cost of shipping and printing; that could be quite different, but shouldn't affect the overall picture too much. That means that on DriveThru, they have generated $25,000 or so in sales, off the top. As far as I am aware, they don't sell anywhere else, so at the 70% exclusive rate, they get to keep $17,500 or so from that book.

Assuming they could predict something along those sales numbers, if they spent 15% of the expected profit on art, they would have around $2625 to spend on art. That may be low; I usually plan on spending about 25% of gross on art, as needed. So let's say somewhere between $2500 and $6000.

When I look at RMU Core Law cover and interior art, the question in my mind is: where did the $2500 go? Because I sure don't see it on the cover.

And just to be clear, while my business is still small, I run a commercial endeavor.

You seem so eager to bash ICE over their choices, a small group of 3-4 or so "freelancers".

I'm asking this because I'm curious:

Looking at your own products on Drivethru:

Why aren't you budgetting and commissioning artists for  $1000-2500 cover art images for your books instead of using easily forgettable stock art?
You make it seem to us like you can handle book projects better than ICE looking at your posts in this thread, plus sell more copies and get more profit from your projects than they do.
Yet the examples in the links provided to us earlier tell us you've sold tops 50 or so out of one example of books from the links.
It just doesn't add up with me.
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