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Systems & Settings => Rolemaster => Topic started by: DavidKlecker on December 09, 2008, 07:38:22 AM

Title: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: DavidKlecker on December 09, 2008, 07:38:22 AM
Player A performs an attack on a foe and rolls a crit which results in his death in 6 rounds. After this, Player B casts spikes on the ground where the foe drops which results in a crit that kills him instantly rather than in 6 rounds.

Who gets the kill experience?
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Rasyr-Mjolnir on December 09, 2008, 07:44:52 AM
I would split it between the two, since both gave killing crits. (or if you are generous, give them each full Kill XP)
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: GrumpyOldFart on December 09, 2008, 03:15:02 PM
I would say either player A or even split, depending on whether player B knew the crittur was already toasted *before* he cast the spikes. If he knew and still wanted some kill value, he should have thrown it under something healthy.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Erik Sharma on December 10, 2008, 01:18:39 AM
It actually happened to us our last session, one player scored a mortal wound on an opponent making him bleed to death in 6 rounds but otherwise letting the opponent act up to that time.
And another "munchkin" player saw the opportunity to steal his xp. He tried but couldn't fell the enemy within the timelimit. The player is quite funny that way, he thinks he knows the best way to earn xp and every adventure he  always get's the least xp of all players.

But regardless depending on the crit ofcourse I normally give the xp to the first one who puts the opponent out of combat condition not necessary dead. And even though the enemy still had 6 rounds left to act I would count him as out of combat (although with a delay). Ofcourse the others could still lessen the kill xp with inflicting crits on the enemy before he goes down but Player 1 would still get the xp.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Fornitus on December 10, 2008, 01:48:13 AM
 We tend to split the Kill xp in most situations acording to effictiveness.

 Of course in single combat, whether one on one or ambush, then all points go to the single involved PC.

 There is the isssue of WHY a PC gets special "kill" points if not one on one.
 For example- Last week my compatriot and I ambushed a high lvl NPC. I waited around the corner and she hid where he would pass her by. The NPC failed his sense ambush and got a thrown dagger in the back for the kill in 10 rnds. Then I jump out and got a front kill in 6 rnds.

 Obviously my freinds thrown dagger enabled me to get my result due to the target being stunned and unable to parry. She should get most if not all the "kill" points.

 However, if the GM had just read the crit to himself and then described the NPC's reactions the PC's wouldnt have known who got the "kill" exactily. Neither had Diognostics or anything. So, what specificaly did the PC's learn that the "kill" points are to represent?
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: thrud on December 10, 2008, 02:12:48 AM
LOL, we abandoned XP awhile back. Today the PC's get to level at the GM's discretion. When the GM feel we have earned enough experience we level up but there are never any XP and the whole concept of munchkinism is kind of lost.

But to answer the question: Player A gets the kill points or give them both a full set of XP if you're feeling generous?
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Dark Schneider on December 10, 2008, 03:14:24 AM
I split the XP between all characters that are in combat being usefull. The characters that make attacks gain additional XP with crits, but if any character does what they know to do, why they can't gain XP if they are part of the victory?.

Maybe the fighter couldn't hit the fatal strike if the lay-healer was not there for healing his arm...or maybe he will now be dead if cleric had not cast the protection spell, because it reduced the critial from C to B changing a 'stun' (fatal in equalized combat) to 'must parry' (not fatal) know.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Ecthelion on December 10, 2008, 04:19:23 AM
But regardless depending on the crit ofcourse I normally give the xp to the first one who puts the opponent out of combat condition not necessary dead.
That's what we too did for long years. "Out of combat" then would mean unconscious, dead or mortally wounded and unable to attack until death. Later we only split the kill XPs between all characters because usually all had some share in the killing, even the healer who tended the wounded characters after a fight.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Fenrhyl Wulfson on December 10, 2008, 05:52:15 AM
I don't give kill XP. Solves the problem.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Cormac Doyle on December 10, 2008, 06:39:21 AM
I don't use that XP system ...
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Rasyr-Mjolnir on December 10, 2008, 06:51:14 AM
Up near the top, I suggested splitting the XP or giving full XP to both if you are generous. In that suggestion, I was presuming that the second character didn't know that the creature/foe was dying. If he did know, and the player WAS trying to do the first player/character out of the kill points, then I have to agree with those who say that the second character should get no XP out of the situation.

Like a number of others, I also do not use the core XP system from Rolemaster, as that system, to me, requires too much tracking and promotes combat and spell use over other RPG activities (it also encourages min-maxing to get every possible XP out of an encounter). In fact, I don't think that I have ever used it. In the past, I have used a Daily Activity Level XP system from one of the Companions for a long while.

However, I prefer Goal Oriented XP systems, like the one in HARP and also presented in RMX. Using that method, you actually reward players for showing initiative and for getting things done. The more they accomplish, the more they get.

Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: dutch206 on December 10, 2008, 07:52:25 AM
I used to use the core rules experience system.  I hated it.  Who hit this round?  Did they score a critical?  How do I divide the Kill Points?  Religious experinces, travel points, idea points, spell casting points, near-death experinces....UGH!!!

I use the RMX experience point system now, and life is much happier.  It works out to about a level every 15-20 enocunters, depending on how many campaign goals there are.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: vroomfogle on December 10, 2008, 07:58:26 AM
I use the RMX experience point system now, and life is much happier.  It works out to about a level every 15-20 enobad personers, depending on how many campaign goals there are.

Ha!  It took me a few to figure out what "bad persons" originally had been - looks like you had a typo in encounters!   ROFL
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Mider on December 10, 2008, 04:51:51 PM
We use a corrupted goal/exp system, the GM forgets all of the kills a lot of time so we get a little of both.  In our games, we have a lot of the monster already dying getting nailed many times and than dying quicker.  We call our shots and attacks first and than resolve, only after a very successful perception roll is an attack changed, such as the monster head explodes, its kinda hard not to realize its out of action.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: dutch206 on December 10, 2008, 06:31:12 PM
Oops. (blush)  Totally accidental.  Fingers move faster than brain waves.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: GrumpyOldFart on December 10, 2008, 07:13:26 PM
Well I'll grant you, I don't generally give a blanket XP value for the killing blow, unless it's true single combat. If I finish my monster off and come to your aid and, while your guy is still alive, not stun-no-parry or anything, he's nonetheless been beaten down to the point of taking serious penalties for wounding.... hey, even if I get a one shot instant death on him, you did over 3/4 of the work, you're gonna get at least 3/4 of the kill value.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: GrumpyOldFart on December 10, 2008, 07:20:39 PM
Monster, 100 hits. You've been in combat for 7 rounds now. You've done:

1) 0
2) 9A +3
3) 15B +10
4) 0
5) 0
6) 34D + 20
7) 7

Note that the monster currently has a grand total of TWO hits, but there has been no exceptional damage and he's still in there slugging. If at this point I come along and do 7A + 2, do *I* get the kill value?

In my mind, no. I get XP for 7A +2. You get the kill value.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: jolt on December 11, 2008, 11:57:00 AM
I just wing it.  When it feels right, they level. 

I've never used the XP system as written. Way too much information tracking for my tastes.

Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Erik Sharma on December 11, 2008, 03:06:51 PM
After all these suggestions I main advice is just this.
Go with what you feel is right in the long run it usually evens out. I usually stick to the core xp as a guideline of what they should get, but never follow it to the letter, my rule of thumb is answering this question, does defeating specific enemy really propel the story, if the answer is yes they get the xp, if the answer is not they rarely get much xp if any, unless ofcourse it happens because of really enjoyable RPing I always try to reward that. The xp system after all is guidelines and are yours to change at will or throw out the window.

Your game, your rules!
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Dreven1 on December 30, 2008, 02:52:10 AM
I was reading these posts and I have some input.
I typically get to game once every 2-3 weeks.  Life keeps bossing around my "Fantasy" time...  :-\

Since my game group only plays on average once a month... and we usually play for 10-12 hours on a Saturday... I simply give out a level. YUP, you heard me... a complete level.

Why? you say.  Well, if we average 12 sessions a REAL ACTUAL year... that?s only going from level 1 to level 12 in one realistic year.  This is not much, considering the highest level character I ever saw or witnessed in any of my or my friend?s games was level 22.  Everyone usually gets a 100 crit before then...

So, my suggestion... be liberal.  It?s worth it! Your players are EXTREMELY happy and you get to pick out one module or scenario to run during your game session (if your timeline is like mine).  It all balances out since all of my players contribute to the game session so they all split equally the exp.  No bickering on "you killed that guy with your bleeder crit when I did the most damage!" arguments.
Title: Re: Who gets the Kill?
Post by: Skaran on December 30, 2008, 11:43:50 AM
We don't use kill points and also characters advance about 1 level per 10 sessions, or if the GM rules that something significant wortyh of this has been achieved.

As for the criticals which give so many rounds to death with no other effect we have a house rule which basicaly goes along the lines of unless the "dead man walking" is literally cut to pieces, decapitated etc. no other critical will have any effect, he can't be stunned (we figure he is already dead) and is now operating on pure adrenaline. When it gives out in 6 rounds he falls to the ground dead. (A bit Hollywood but we like it)