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Systems & Settings => Shadow World => Topic started by: Elrik on August 14, 2008, 01:45:30 PM

Title: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Elrik on August 14, 2008, 01:45:30 PM
Hey Everyone,

I was wondering if I could some input on how people have handled Slavery on Jaiman. Not the lower class or people they feed the lions with. I am talking raids in remote areas, slave trains, slave yards and the like.

I didn't see anything in the Halk book regarding slavery. Sometimes an absence of conversation is more telling then a long drawn out conversation. I only play on Jaiman.

Thank you!

Back to work... it is starting to pick up again... uggggg


Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Elrik on August 14, 2008, 01:57:55 PM
errrrr... sorry... if I missed the slavery part, by all means, aim me to that book...
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: RandalThor on August 14, 2008, 09:02:08 PM
The only mention of slavery I have seen is in the Emer books; Lankanok is big on slavery and in the Sel-kai book it metions it being illegal to own slaves there but you can do business about slavery there - broker deals and stuff. I have not heard anything about slavery in Jamain.
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Mider on August 15, 2008, 07:46:38 AM
The evil side probably has massive amounts of slavery going on.  But there might be a little more of the keeping them in slavery conditions than actually slavery.  I can't remember where but there was some mention in a few places of places being built using slave labor, like Lorgalis's Ulor fortress.  In Emer, another place that mentioned slavery was the elves on the east coast or at least treating their non-elf peoples slightly better than slaves.
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: TomOBedlam on August 15, 2008, 08:43:53 AM
The Myri of Tanara are slaves.
Actually, they aren't even slaves, they are spell bound to be a slave race to the Duranaki.
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: RandalThor on August 15, 2008, 05:01:38 PM
Oh yeah, the Myri-Duranaki situation. I totally forgot about that. Thoguh I believe it has changed recently, the Duranaki were told by the Cloudlords that they could no longer take the Myri as slaves anymore (but how fast that is being implemented is another story).

The elves of Namar-tol are just snotty, they pay their "employees" well, as well as give them great accomodations, they just act all superior and all that. Though, I imagine there are certain elves that take it further.
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Witchking20k on August 22, 2008, 08:28:54 AM
Some aggressor races like Kral keep slaves.  But, I think in Jaiman surfdom is far more prevelant, particularly in fuedal Saralis etc
Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Elrik on September 10, 2008, 12:18:53 PM
Sorry for the disappearing act everyone. I go for a period where I watch the paint dry and then suddenly I am working on 5 contracts, writing for 2 more contracts and all of my charity work happens at the same time. Then my mouse broke!

All valid points and thank you for reminding me of most of them. When I was actually a teenager I had a buddy that tried to lead a revolt against the duranki. Short game, rebellion = execution.

I have thrown the slavery into other directions. One of My NPC's was bought from an orphanage as a child, then trained as a mage. At least that was the plan before the Owner realized how unearthly her beauty was/is. She became a more then a mage to him, she was his lust. I will spare the details. Now she has run away, and he wants to reclaim his "investment". Currently she is trying to hook up with one of my more thick skulled PC's, that has lead to all sorts of laughter.

Although that takes away from beating up the smelly slavers and freeing the terribly treated slaves it makes more sense to what Terry has developed. Now if this was a coastal game then I would say raiders looking for easy pray. At the moment my party is in the heart of Jaiman and probably there for at least 30 to 40 gaming sessions.

Still, corrupt guard captains and officers let all sorts of horrible things happen all for the brush of gold.

Thanks again for sharing guys!


Title: Re: Slavery in the Shadows
Post by: Witchking20k on December 23, 2008, 07:46:03 AM
Or even a big city magistrate wo wants to turn the over population in the slums into a new bridge.....