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Systems & Settings => Spacemaster => Topic started by: markc on March 05, 2008, 12:00:09 AM

Title: SM2 house vs tech Q
Post by: markc on March 05, 2008, 12:00:09 AM
 I have been taking a look at SM2's Star Strike and Armored Assault as well as thier Vehicle Comp. books. In quite a few places it talks about one house having better Tec than othes in varous areas. Is this spelled out in a book some where? Or is it just talked about and left for the GM to deal with?

Title: Re: SM2 house vs tech Q
Post by: DJRJ_AU on March 05, 2008, 11:49:48 PM
It's up to the GMs to sort the messy bits out.
Title: Re: SM2 house vs tech Q
Post by: markc on March 06, 2008, 12:11:55 AM
It's up to the GMs to sort the messy bits out.

 Thanks, that is sort of the idea I got also but since I do not have any of the SM2 adventur books I wanted to ask anyway.

Title: Re: SM2 house vs tech Q
Post by: Fornitus on March 06, 2008, 12:57:05 AM
 If your looking for ideas on whitch house has which tech, maybe see if you can find the old Clan books from Batteltech. They ran rival Clans (Houses) that developed at different rates.
Title: Re: SM2 house vs tech Q
Post by: markc on March 06, 2008, 07:08:00 PM
If your looking for ideas on whitch house has which tech, maybe see if you can find the old Clan books from Batteltech. They ran rival Clans (Houses) that developed at different rates.

 Thanks, I do have a lot of the old BT books in a stack sitting next to me as I type. BTW not good for the books but I spent a lot of time a while ago looking up stuff I got tired of taking them off the shelf.