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Systems & Settings => Rolemaster => Topic started by: Warl on July 15, 2016, 10:31:18 PM

Title: Ethereal Forms and effects
Post by: Warl on July 15, 2016, 10:31:18 PM
Typically play RM2/RMC but the source doesn't have to be specific to those versions of RM.

I am having trouble locating any definition of How to treat creatures and objects that exist only Ethereally.
What Items/attacks can affect them.

I understand that Normal Physical attacks shouldn't be able to affect them. Bu can just a Normal Magical Weapon affect them, or does it have to be specifically enchanted to affect Ethereal?   

How about Magical Spell attacks... Can a Magical Firebolt or Ball Affect an ethereal target?
Title: Re: Ethereal Forms and effects
Post by: jdale on July 16, 2016, 12:52:21 AM
In RMSS, I'm not finding any use of the word Ethereal. Mystic has a spell Passing which allows moving through physical objects, but it doesn't say anything about granting protection. (I would say anything magical affects them, including magical weapons.) There are a couple of Arcane spells which make things Intangible, not really defined. (I would say anything magical affects them.) Channeling Companion has Spirit Walk, in which case the caster's spirit is invisible and unable to affect the physical world, not explicit about what if anything affects the caster. (I would say non-elemental spells but not magic weapons.) The classic non-corporeal creature, the ghost, is affected by spells and magical weapons according to RMFRP C&M.

I recall that RM2's Arcane lists had spells for turning ethereal, but I don't recall if there were any spells specifically for affecting ethereal creatures. I would not be inclined to require that, especially if no such spells exist....
Title: Re: Ethereal Forms and effects
Post by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol on July 19, 2016, 06:12:22 AM
RM2's RoCoI has "Ethereal Mastery", whose level 5 spell, "Phasing" has a very tiny bit about the matter. It pretty much says that creatures in the normal and the ethereal planes don't interact (including not being able to interact in any way —attacks, spells, etc.). Only creatures living in the ethereal plane (or with a strong link to it, such as undead, who "draw their power from the aether" [EC, p11, about aether]) can fully interact with each others. Read the spell for more details (well, not much, in truth, but…)