Official ICE Forums

Systems & Settings => Spacemaster => Topic started by: Onirim on October 12, 2014, 06:09:02 AM

Title: [SM2/StarStrike] Computer rules ?
Post by: Onirim on October 12, 2014, 06:09:02 AM
Hi guys,

I want to play at Spacemaster 2 with Star Strike construction rules for the spaceships (because it's more in deth and can be used with Star Strike board game).

But the computer rules between the two books aren't coherent. In Spacemaster 2 a computer is cheaper than in Star Strike, and the bonus granted by specialised (technical and research software) is in the form +5, +10, and the like.
In Star Strike, computers for starships are really expensive, and specialized softwares lower the difficulty of actions and don't give bonus.

It's difficult to play the game with the two systems, so... have you any idea of the better system to use for a SM2/Star Strike campaign ?

Thanks :)
Title: Re: [SM2/StarStrike] Computer rules ?
Post by: Wolfhound on October 13, 2014, 11:17:09 AM
I used the lowest of the two costs (can't remember the details of the differences, as it has been a long time (approaching two decades) since I've used Spacemaster on a regular basis).  My reasoning being that computer costs generally reduce nearly as quickly as capabilities increase.  But others might be able to provide better input into this subject (surprised no one else has responded yet).
Title: Re: [SM2/StarStrike] Computer rules ?
Post by: Defendi on October 13, 2014, 12:31:27 PM
If there were still official rulings on SM2, I'm guessing (guessing, mind you) the official ruling would be Star Strike is right, since that's the more up to date ruling. That said, I suspect the lower cost is more realistic, because people still had interesting views on computing in the 80s. :)
Title: Re: [SM2/StarStrike] Computer rules ?
Post by: Onirim on October 14, 2014, 07:32:49 AM
Thanks for the answers :)
Finally, I use the Star Strike system for spaceship computers, but the player characters only pay 10% of actual value of softwares. It's more like Spacemaster prices :)