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Systems & Settings => Rolemaster => Topic started by: damilano on February 19, 2014, 02:41:19 PM

Title: Combat Minion and Combat Phases
Post by: damilano on February 19, 2014, 02:41:19 PM
Bought my tables today.  I'm as impressed as I thought I would be; will be sending Merkir a congratulatory message soon.  However, I can't seem to get Minion to resolve the similar attack types in the same and correct phases.  In other words, it isn't preselecting magical attacks first, then missile attacks, and then melee in initiative order.  I've double checked all my PCs and NPCs o make sure their Attack 1 is correct.  But Minion seems to simply queue up the actors in initiative order, without segregating them by attack type.

I must be doing something wrong.  Anyone know what it is?
Title: Re: Combat Minion and Combat Phases
Post by: Merkir on February 19, 2014, 05:20:35 PM
The concept of "phases" is quite deliberately not included in Minion. Initiative is provided so that you can apply initiative within the specific phases relevant to your rolemaster version.

So in your case, assuming you're using RM2 rules, simply scroll through the entire initiative sequence for the Spell Phase, resolving any character that casts spells, then for the next phase - Fire phase - continue clicking the initiative so that it starts again from the 1st Actor and sequence through to resolve any characters that Fire missile weapons, etc. For RM2, you would probably scroll through the initiative sequence 4 or 5 times, for the 4 or 5 phases. 

If playing RM Classic, you would scroll through the initiative sequence twice, for the two phases. For RMSS/FRP it's different again.

Note that you should not think of Minion as a "Rules Engine". Minion enforces no rolemaster rules. It is you, the GM, who enforces the rules from the version of rolemaster you are playing. Minion is simply a tool that simplifies many of the menial chores required during a combat encounter.

Hope that helps. Cheers.
Title: Re: Combat Minion and Combat Phases
Post by: Merkir on February 19, 2014, 05:40:44 PM
ps. An alternative way you may wish to resolve actions is to open the "Encounter Log" which displays the entire initiative sequence in correct order. Then visually inspect which actors act within the particular phase, and resolve their actions in that order.