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Systems & Settings => HARP => Topic started by: area51games on December 16, 2013, 03:10:01 PM

Title: The Lost tower of Bill Legend -Adventures ideal for HARP FANTASY
Post by: area51games on December 16, 2013, 03:10:01 PM
The  lost tower of  Bill Legends < ( the actual tower of local hero and his encounter>)
This is a adventure for lowly character who want to get started on their first adventure.
This has the basics traps, mysteries and riddle monster.
 A while ago a Halfling named William Corn Made good,, on a return trip he and his fellow adventures Michaela the Cleric  and Doude the Fighter came across a Lonely tower, the weather was getting bad with a storm of early summer coming on and the adventures sought shelter in the lonely tower.
Little did they know this Tower was formerly the inhabitant of  Goroshe  the mage , who meet his end by the hand of one of his so called servants a very Clever Gryphon who has learned how to use Goroshe many magical items and that is how Bill tells it, One of the features of the tower is bigger on the inside then on the outside also as told by Bill Legend.
 as Willem willl tell it he is the only survivor of this misadventure, but it gained old William, now called Bill Legend because of his story a small fortune and many a free drinks at the local inn “The Tin Bale”, for his rendering of story.  Now a local classic of local Halfling makes good.
But there is more for you see old Bill Legend is not tell it all and once every seven years he come up with a map and find some local youths who want to make it big . Bill well hand them his rough map of where this lost tower is located and send them on their way to their Doom. 
 No one has really caught on for Bill is very sneaky about this for he has made a pack with the new owner of the Tower to send sacrifices to the tower for the mere fortune he has gained and for his soul.
This has extended Bill life and made him a little twisted on the inside.
Now some many generations later Bill is starting to feel the weight of his evil and somewhat of a conscience has taped him on the praverbal shoulder and now though years of nightmares he has decided he well find real adventures and not just local kids and send them to the tower to hopefully defeat the real evil of the lost tower of Bill Legend.

this is a rough ideal and I hope to get some feed back from fellow gamers and see if is interesting to fellow players to want to game.
Title: Re: The Lost tower of Bill Legend -Adventures ideal for HARP FANTASY
Post by: Turbs on February 16, 2014, 12:02:50 AM
nice concept.

 a few suggestions.

a) when the PC's first encounter Bill Legend, have him appear ragged , sleep deprived and with a sense of desperation. The Gryphon has finally found out of Bills Betrayal and is now actively hunting him down to kill him off.

Thus Bill is now desperately looking for anyone who can help him.

b) Gryphons are hard to kill for starting adventurers. Have some method of delivering a devasting hit to the gryphon in the tower somewhere. My personal preference is a balista mounted on the roof with one single enchanted bolt. (a'la Bard the Bowman)

c) dont let on that bill is the source of the sacrifices. let the PC's find clues throughout the adventure. i.e. they come across dead adventurers inside the tower who have succumbed to traps or whatever... in thier possession is a map that looks remarkably the same as the one Bill gave them.