Official ICE Forums

Systems & Settings => HARP => Topic started by: Augury on June 01, 2013, 04:50:36 AM

Title: HARP - Key Stats
Post by: Augury on June 01, 2013, 04:50:36 AM
Silly question, perhaps i missed it in the rules....

All professions have key stats.  Some have 2 and some seem to have 3.  Once you have rolled your stats do you HAVE to assign your three highest stats to your three key stats (if you have three that is)?

Is this mandatory?  Is this just wise as those stats define that profession?

One of my group is rolling a Harper, who have 3 key stats and they didnt roll so well stat wise.  So they were a bit grumpy to put their 3 highest stats (there is then a huge gap between those 3 high stats and the rest of their stats) into the key stats (Re, In, Pr) for the harper which dont do any real favours for combat prowess!

So is it just advised the key stats are high or must you put your highest in there?  Could he put his 2nd, 3rd and 4th highest in the key stats and then still have say high highest stat in St?

Just curious

Title: Re: HARP - Key Stats
Post by: Thom @ ICE on June 01, 2013, 05:36:36 AM
Key stats are in no way a requirement for your top stats. They are simply a reference as to which stats impact your favored skill categories the most.

Feel free to ignore it completely if you want.