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Systems & Settings => Rolemaster => Rolemaster Software => Topic started by: glenward on October 01, 2011, 10:20:33 PM

Title: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: glenward on October 01, 2011, 10:20:33 PM
Hello all,

I'm hoping someone can help me here.  My gaming group is going back to playing some RM after a long hiatus.  I have lost my awesome Excel character sheet which was originally created by Bughunter Softworks.  I have tried the updated version by Jonathan Dale that includes visual basic macros, but A) it doesn't want to work properly for me, and B) I just prefer the older version.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: glenward on October 02, 2011, 08:54:30 AM
Ok, I guess I was having a brain fart last night.  All I had to do was turn on the macros and it now seems to work properly.  (And quite nicely, I might add.)

Is there a version that automatically changes the skill point costs for Occupational, Everyman, and Restricted skills?
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: markc on October 02, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
It is not an official rule that you change the skill point costs for O, E, R skills so it would not be in the sheet.
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: glenward on October 02, 2011, 10:19:49 PM
Did that change in the latest version?  I have the RMSS book #5500.  Is there a reason to having O, E, & R designated skills if it doesn't change the point cost, or is the designation just ignored for simplicity? Please pardon if I am missing something obvious.

Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: Grinnen Baeritt on October 03, 2011, 04:20:56 AM
The O/E/R classification basically multipies the number of ranks that are purchased through normal skill rank purchase. It doesn't affect the actual skill cost.

O x 3
E x 2
R x 0.5 (so you need to purchase 2 ranks to get 1 effective rank)
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: glenward on October 03, 2011, 08:27:47 AM
Wow!  That is MUCH simpler than it was in the past.

Just to make sure I understand this correctly (because it seems way too simple now):
So, if I have a skill with progression 2/5:
Standard cost; I buy 1 rank for 2 points or 2 ranks for 7 points.
With O; I buy 3 ranks for 2 points or 6 ranks for 7 points.
With E; I buy 2 ranks for 2 points or 4 ranks for 7 points.
With R; I buy 1/2 rank for 2 points or 1 rank for 7 points.
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: GrumpyOldFart on October 03, 2011, 10:11:24 AM
Except that (so far as I know, I'm very inexperienced with RMSS/RMFRP)

With R; I buy 1/2 rank for 2 points or 1 rank for 7 points.

I wouldn't count on being able to buy half a rank. Probably either 1 rank for 7 DPs or do without it.
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: markc on October 03, 2011, 10:18:58 AM
The O/E/R classification basically multipies the number of ranks that are purchased through normal skill rank purchase. It doesn't affect the actual skill cost.

O x 3
E x 2
R x 0.5 (so you need to purchase 2 ranks to get 1 effective rank)

 Correct, also the E,O,R does not apply to training packages or adol skills.
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: glenward on October 03, 2011, 02:55:45 PM
I wouldn't count on being able to buy half a rank. Probably either 1 rank for 7 DPs or do without it.
Right!  I was just following the math... :D

Correct, also the E,O,R does not apply to training packages or adol skills.
And the spreadsheet is calculating this way.  Thank you for specifying this.

Thank you, everyone, for your replies.  I had no idea that O/E/R had been changed to be so much simpler.  The calculations on the spreadsheet now make sense.
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: providence13 on October 03, 2011, 11:40:50 PM
Some people allow half a Rank. You just advance every other lvl. It works for some people just fine. :)
Title: Re: RM Excel Character Sheet by Bughunter Softworks (before Jonathan Dale Changes)
Post by: pastaav on October 11, 2011, 11:51:20 AM
Did that change in the latest version?  I have the RMSS book #5500.  Is there a reason to having O, E, & R designated skills if it doesn't change the point cost, or is the designation just ignored for simplicity? Please pardon if I am missing something obvious.

The rules for O, E & R was changed in later printings of RMSS. Actually you can in the latest printing find references to old rules on page 11, but find the updated rules on page 30.