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Systems & Settings => Spacemaster => Topic started by: Marc R on January 02, 2011, 06:32:53 PM

Title: Spacemaster: Privateers Collected Rulings
Post by: Marc R on January 02, 2011, 06:32:53 PM
(Collected rulings, like the Errata, thanks to Defendi)

a) To represent the hazzok, use the melee table.  The hazzok causes slash criticals.
b) Gauss weapons use the same attack charts as firearms.  It doesn't matter how the round is propelled.
c) Your weight penalty plus armor quickness penalty plus three times strength is used to figure out your maximum pace, not base movement. The speed of a normal walk, or even a jog is not reduced, you just lose the top end of the movement (Dash, then fast sprint, etc.)
d) Moleculetronics are not effected by Electro-Magnetic Pulses.
e) Firearms work in outer space or under water.  Even normal cartridges have enough air inside to fuel the reaction.
f) Anyone can use unrestricted or recreational drugs without a first aid roll. A GM might want to use a SD maneuver to see if someone OD's when using a drug to which he's addicted.
g) Restricted pharmaceuticals should be accompanied by a routine Drug Therapy maneuver. This is to prescribe dosage for ingested drugs, and to actually inject it for injected drugs.
h) For the most part, weapon cells work for every energy weapon. The power caps for hold out weapons only work with  hold out weapons. Imperial power cells are twice as large and the two cannot be used interchangeably.
i) A hold out weapon is a very small weapon, like a tiny .22 pistol.
j) For characters that get unspecified scientific ranks during adolescence, simply distribute the ranks and get your GM's approval.  There are no other guidelines.
k) Martial Arts Companion, from Rolemaster, is suitable for use with Spacemaster.  It would be best to use the least fantastic option for the styles (no near-magic chi powers, unless the GM really wants them in his campaign).
l) The Architects created the same biosphere over and over again. There are horses on most planets.
m) In Spacemaster:  Privateers, there is a rating on ships for "EW."  This stands for Electronic Warfare. The first number is the active EW, the second is passive (this makes the ship harder to spot without jamming the sensors and alerting everyone to your presence).
n) When a ship has weapons listed as #xMark # (6xMark 10, for instance) it means the weapons are fired as one unit, and their damage is multiplied by the number of weapons.
o) Towing ships for salvage is a matter of two things, size and mass.  The quantum drive shrinks space in front of the ship and expands it behind, allowing the ship to appear to be traveling faster than light. This means that a crew can maintain vehicles or repair damage while coasting at FTL speeds.  It also allows for towing.  Assume that a ship can't tow another vehicle bigger than it, the end of the vehicle would extend beyond the safe envelope around the ship and the spatial
differential would rip it clear. Otherwise, just multiply the ships acceleration by it's mass to get it's thrust, add in the mass of the new ship and redivide to calculate the new acceleration.
p) Sensors in Spacemaster are practically instantaneous.
q) When an android hits the end of its operational period, it is warn out, and begins to fall apart.
r) If an AI wanted to, it could download a section of the Sensenet into a dummy system and once it's disconnected, experience the downloaded simulation.
s) By the same token, AI's query the datanet trough safe interfaces that allow only one connection at a time.  For example, the AI connects to the system (disconnecting it from the datanet) and makes a query.  The system then disconnects from the AI and downloads relevant data from the datanet.  The system then disconnects from the datanet and reconnects to the AI with the relevant data.
t) Weapon grade blasters and lasers are visible in an atmosphere, due to scattering (and sometimes superheating the atmospheric gasses).  They are invisible in a vacuum unless there is a lot of dust.  They cause enough of an atmospheric disturbance to make a sound.
u) All energy weapons cause atmospheric lensing.  This means that the heat distortion from their own beam will cause them to bend as they are refracted by the air.
v) In a vacuum, blasters use the same range increments as lasers.  Plasma weapons double their range increments.
w) For an aquatics skill, use Alien Environments.
x) If you need a paratrooping skill, put it in Combat Maneuvers.