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Systems & Settings => Rolemaster => RMC/RM2 => Topic started by: bubonicone on June 16, 2010, 11:46:49 AM

Title: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: bubonicone on June 16, 2010, 11:46:49 AM
i was testing out very high danger encounters last night
not a pretty sight

monsters killed (entire party!)
8 standard 550pnt characters
vrs. 1 dead monster
characters with 650 pnts fared almost as badly
6 dead to 2 dead monsters (2 survived to run!)
characters with 750 did about even 3 dead to 3 dead monsters
characters with 90 in every stat were the only ones to break the monsters backs (1 dead character 6 dead monsters)
so someone tell me something
since I'm just messing around
is there a rule anywhere that will allow me to stiffen characters stats up beyond potential?     ???   :o   ::)
Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: RandalThor on June 16, 2010, 12:49:48 PM
I don't know about any particular rule but, as the GM you can do whatever you want: say the character's potential stats are 5/10/15 pts higher than rolled or give them more starting points. Increasing their talent points (Background Options in RMC/Express) is a big help in creating more powerful character (having the ability to develop a skill as occupational (which is 1 rank purchased = 3 ranks), etc. Of course, I would get rid of the negative aspect of the BO in order to make the option more of a benefit. There are all manners of ways to increase the characters capabilities, including increasing their level faster so that you can put them agianst the creatures you want to - especially if all your players are experienced RM players.
Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: markc on June 16, 2010, 05:19:24 PM
 I am with RandalThor and also want to throw in the option of powerful magic items.

Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: Nders on June 17, 2010, 04:39:41 PM
Are you sure this question should be in the Rm2/RMC thread? Well anyways I would use the character creation rules from Heroes and rogues - an old ICE supplement with a lot of npc characters in it. We have been using them for years and are very satisfied. If you want an easier suggestion: get your hands on RoCoI in any of its forms (one was recently, relatively, re released as a pdf) I should think you could buy it from ICE's online store. The take on background options in there is bound to beef your characters.
Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: dutch206 on June 17, 2010, 08:17:36 PM
True.  The Background options in RoCo I will change the power level of your campaign.  :o
Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: kevinmccollum on June 18, 2010, 07:08:07 AM
In fact, it might break it.
Title: Re: Interesting Dilemma
Post by: bubonicone on June 18, 2010, 10:06:52 AM
roco 1 OK will look into it
break it yeah maybe
problem is lol when you throw the same lvl monsters at players they tend NOT to do very well (I'm talking lvl 5 classed monsters with what appears to be the standard amount of hits added into what they get for classing as in say its listed with 35 hits base then i add in the bd ranks that's 35 BD ~~ TOUGH yeah but we like it that way)