Would you allow a bladeturn effect to be used versus an unseen attack?
Such as an invisible enemy or an enemy using ambush?
Some of my player characters have magic items such as weapons, armour & shields that have a daily Bladeturn spell embedded in them.
According to ChatGPT...Can Bladeturn be used against an unseen attack like an ambush?No, Bladeturn cannot be used against an unseen attack in the way it is typically cast. This is because Bladeturn relies on the caster being able to react to the incoming attack, and the spell specifically requires the character to be aware of the attack to invoke its protective effect. If an attack comes from an ambush or is otherwise unseen (such as a surprise attack or one that bypasses the character’s normal senses), the character would not be able to invoke Bladeturn, as they are unaware of the attack.
How an ambush works in Rolemaster:Surprise and Initiative: In Rolemaster, characters who are ambushed or surprised generally have a harder time defending against the attack because they don't have time to react.
Reaction and Defense: In the case of an ambush, the attacker usually gets to strike before the defender can react. This means the defender doesn’t get the chance to use most active defense options, including spells like Bladeturn.
Special Cases:Perception Checks: If the character has a chance to detect the ambush (through a perception check or by detecting the movement, sound, etc., of the attacker), they may get an opportunity to react with a defensive spell or action. However, even in this case, Bladeturn would still need the character to be aware of the specific attack rather than just aware of the general threat.
Preemptive Magic or Prepared Defenses: If a character anticipates an ambush, they might be able to cast Bladeturn in advance of the attack, but this would still depend on their ability to perceive or predict the incoming strike.
Conclusion:In summary, Bladeturn cannot typically be used to defend against an ambush or unseen attack because the spell requires the caster to be aware of the incoming strike. If the attack is truly unseen or surprise in nature, the character would likely have no chance to react with Bladeturn. However, some other spells or defensive actions might offer protection in these cases, depending on the situation and the exact nature of the attack.