Warning: There are a lot of them! When it is all done here, I need to use the rules from the Channeling Companion to create specific priestly professions for these worshipers.
In general, though, most of these gods are elven in appearance, because they are the ones that created the world. It was only after the Elven Betrayal, that they tried again and created the other races. In addition, Arrylon also has a tradition of heroes rising to deity status. Anyway, a lot of the early history is here in these descriptions.
Feadra, the Creator
Feadre created Arrylon in order to provide herself and the other gods with companions. she peopled the land with Elves (known then as Eldain, the First born). They later rejected her, feeling that through the magic she had given them, they were more capable of caring for themselves than she was. She sundered Nithallion from the rest of the Northeast, creating Audun and Amara. There she placed the humans, making them lesss magically-inclined.
Nonetheless, she still nurtured the magical arts, and allowed those few who had the discipline to learn how to use it to become powerful. She tends to discourage magical pursuits, however, because as its creator, she knows all too well how powerful it can be and what happens if it gets out of hand.
She would often appear regularly among her chosen people (the humans), dispensing advice, and nurturing the trees, plants, and animals so that there would always be plenty to eat. However, as her people increased in number, she found it more and more difficult to spread her attentions everywhere. Thus she was unable to prevent her son Nixus from creating an army of evil creatures in the South.
When she learned of the impending attacks, she sent visions to her people, attempting to warn them. The Elves ignored her warnings, and were nearly destroyed. To this day they do not have the population they once had, and are a race in decline. For most of the Great War, she travelled the lands, healing and helping where she could. Since Nixus creations were not her own, she had limited power to destroy them. Finally, she sought out Nixus, with the aim of taking care of the problem once and for all.
She found her sons Nixus and Mithrallon fighting in Audun. She stepped between the warring brothers as they both struck at each other. She died with the blades of both her sons in her heart. At the moment of her death, fighting everywhere stopped. Mithrallon rushed to heal her wounds. When she turned to Nixus, he fled the field. This broke Feadre's heart, and she began to weep. Her tears fell for forty days, and covered all of the lands of Arrylon. Only the highest peaks were left untouched. those peaks would eventually become the new capitols of the world. Her flood healed the land, and repaired the damage the war had caused. When the waters withdrew, the land was green again, except for the Audun Wastes, where she died. That land still does not produce life easily, and all who live on it struggle daily.
Those who worship her believe that she is the ultimate healer, and that one day she will return to bathe the world in her healing light. Her priests are required to resist war in all forms and try to help those in need. Several times throughout the year they attend sacred ceremonies to call to her and let her know her faithful are ready for her return.
Her church is known as the Church of Divine Tears.
Mithrallon, God of Light
Mithrallon is the oldest of Feadre's sons, given dominion over the day. He is known as Lawbringer, for justice, it is said, comes in the morning. He is one of the two directly responsible for the death of his mother. While it was accidental, he blames himself and strives to bring himself and his brother to justice for the crime. His is a quest of atonement, for only by bringing himself and his brother to justice will she ever be reborn.
Mithrallon created the giants when he learned that Nixus was building an invasion force. He also created Dragons. these creatures, he believed, would be strong enough to defend the land. Thus he was late in discovering the corruption of men that led to the giants downfall. He went to the final stronghold of the giants to aid in its defense, and that is why it held out for so much longer than the others.
Since the Great War, Mithrallon hs become the patron saint of the Lawbringers, a group of paladins, fighters and priests dedicated to enforcing the letter of the law. his priests value law and order more than anything else, and they often act as arbitrators. They are not above helping people, abut are more likely to hunt down the source of the problem than fix the symptoms. Most Inquisitors were priests of Mithrallon.
Nixus, God of Darkness
Nixus created many races, perhaps more than the other gods. All of them were created for evil, such as orcs, Murovai, and trolls. His armies would mainly be orcs and goblins with murovai captains. He also created the gnomes who would build some of the mightiest war machines ever to conquer the forces of the light.
He rules the night, and is often referred to as the destroyer, for everywhere he goes, he brings pain and destruction with him. It was he who corrupted men into dwarves and set them to fighting the giants from within their citadels. Remnants of his great army are in hiding everywhere, and they await his return, when he will bring darkness down on the world. Priests of Nixus are very often cruel people, who bring their own brand of violence. However, they rarely show themselves actively, keeping to the shadows until time to strike.
Solaris, God of the Dawn
Solaris is a minor deity, charged with ensuring that the sun rises every morning in its appointed course. He is a god of renewl, and his priests are optimistic. They will also bend and break rules if needed to bring the most good to the most people.
That's all for now, more will come later.