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Death and resurrection in the jungle

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At yesterday's session, my players came a hair's breadth from a killing crit - on the party healer. As we talked through the what-ifs, I was flipping through Spell Law and the rules on death and life-giving there and in Character Law. The party is at least 2 weeks from any temples or healers, and without a Preservation spell a dead body is going to be quite a mess by then, rotting, bloated, fly-blown. Restoring it to a viable state to use in Life Giving would be beyond any of the healing spells I could come up with. Every muscle, organ, tendon, artery, etc. is damaged or gone at that point.
On the one hand, I feel like reviving someone whose body is that far gone should be nearly impossible. On the other hand, there's magic, and if you're powerful enough, one hair from the head of the deceased might be enough.
Am I missing some healing spells or restoration spells that would allow resurrecting someone this decomposed?

B Hanson:
Preservation Herbs to keep the body until you can get back to civilization?


--- Quote from: B Hanson on February 12, 2024, 01:51:35 PM ---Preservation Herbs to keep the body until you can get back to civilization?

--- End quote ---
I definitely expect the party to stock up on these - and lots of scrolls! - when they get back to the city!

B Hanson:
Can one of the group forage for a lifekeeping herb? It doesn't look like any are coded for Jungle but you can always change that.


--- Quote from: B Hanson on February 12, 2024, 02:45:25 PM ---Can one of the group forage for a lifekeeping herb? It doesn't look like any are coded for Jungle but you can always change that.

--- End quote ---
The one party member with foraging/herb lore skill is the cleric/healer that came a hair's breadth from dying. Ironically, the NPC who nailed her is a ranger, so if the party didn't actually kill him, he could've told them.
I've actually been struggling for a plot device to move them to a particular area of the jungle, and looking for preservation herbs is a really good one. I'll just make up an herb for this ecosystem and let them find a little bit in the city, then need to go off into the jungle to get more.
I will probably make a few herbs that cover different aspects of "they died in the jungle" issues. Preservation is one, another would be something that will preserve severed body parts, if the first herb requires ingestion or anything like that.


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