The characters of Ecthelion, part 2

Started by Ecthelion, September 24, 2007, 03:28:03 AM

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it looks like the original thread The characters of Ecthelion was moved to the forum archives, so that I will continue with the gallery of my characters in this new thread.

Another one of my characters, Voronwe the Warrior Mage (RMSS), has now ended his career and can be found in the gallery section on my homepage. Though I first thought that the new RMSS Warrior Mage was too weak to be played at all (while the RM2 Warrior Mage was a very capable profession, the new RMSS one seems very weak at first sight with his lack of armor skills and almost no DB-improving spells), it proved to be rather powerful, at least from ~level 9. The combination of Mirror Image, Displacement III and Parry Illusion spells lets very few attacks reach the Warrior Mage at all, so that parrying or a good DB is simply no longer necessary. But before being able to cast these spells, Voronwe indeed often had a hard time...

Thom @ ICE

Since your referring people to your website to review your roleplaying stuff (all HARP and RM based) then feel free to reference the page in your sig.  That way it will get visibility on a regular basis.

If you want to locate copies of those character sheets on the ICE pages, you can submit them into the Vault-Downloads area. The adventures would likely be appreciated by many gamers out there.

Email -


Thanks for the hint about the signature, I'll think about it. Concerning the adventures, the problem could be that they are mostly/all Middle Earth-based. IIRC I submitted one of them for the download area and it was rejected.


But most adventures could probably be transported to other campaign worlds, couldn't they? The situation of the appropriate time in ME is described but it is not that big an influence on the adventure, is it? The Vulcan of Scari adventure for example work very well with other worlds for example. ;D Good story. ;)
Get Real, Get Rolemaster!
Be Sharp, Play HARP!


Yes, they could easily be migrated to other game worlds. But as the adventures are written now, they are in ME and thus would not be accepted for the download area of the forums. And having them available only on my homepage is OK for me, so that I would not invest in the work of removing all ME-related terms from the adventures.


Ah, right, forgot about that. And as you said with a link in your signature it should not be a problem to find and download them. (Wouldn't do the editing either, thought - well, I have to talk here - a nice facelift for the page could be nice :))
Get Real, Get Rolemaster!
Be Sharp, Play HARP!

Thom @ ICE

I missed the ME connection. Unfortunately there are IP issues that get caught up in that scenario.
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I just added some more RMSS characters to the gallery, where I think I am at least not going to play them for quite some time, if ever:
- Aegnor, a 6th level High Elf Fighter, a master of DB
- Arador, a 1st level Mystic and my only Shadow-World character. But I fear the group we used him in is not going to play in the next months.
- Buliwyf, a 10th level Swashbuckler, a true jack-of-all-trades
- Dalion, a 9th level Elementalist, better with his longbow than with all his spells
- Ecthelion, an 11th level Armsmaster, a true fighting machine
- Foli, an 8th level Gnoll Dabbler, an excellent thief and sling-thrower
- Tarcil, a 9th level Bard, more a good warrior than a great singer


I added another character to the gallery which has retired:
- Halion, a 3rd level High Man Magent


Excellent! I wish more people did this - it's a great source of NPCs.
If you're having fun, you're doing it right!


After quite some time has passed, another of my characters was retired and is now available in the gallery on my homepage: Numeldil, a 14th level RMSS Nightblade.


I added two more characters to the gallery that I will probably not play any further:
- Hador, a 10th level High Man Seer
- Nar, a 10th level Dwarf Barbarian


Another of my characters has retired and can be found in the character gallery: Amdalion, a 15th level Wood Elf Mythic, one of the best archers I ever player and overall a good allrounder.


After a long time another of my characters has retired and can now be found in the character gallery: Valacar, Mixed Man Priest (of Strength) of 13th level. With his excellent combat abilities he is kind of a mix between a Paladin and the other Priest variants.

OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

Thanks, Ecthelion.
Posting off-sire looks like a good idea. Just wondering, ICE being a commercial site, I don't think it'd be acceptable to post there (say here) NPCs full sheets that contains probablu copyrighted pictures, wouldn't it?

As for Ecthelion's NPCs, I'd be interested in what options were soever used... though I guess RMSS doesn't have even half as many options as RM2 does, which makes its NPCs more comparable to each others.
"Justice is the romance of fools, evil is just another name for victors. Peace is the balance created by conflict, cruelty is the paranoia of the defeated. You will perish in your folly, while we will survive, no matter what we must do." -- Motto of SHAFT Industries


The RMSS characters in that character gallery have their background options listed on the character sheet in the "Talents" section. Any background points not used in options explicitly listed in that section went into improving potential stats (there is an optional rule for this in RMSS).

OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

By "options", I meant "optional rules", since the use of one or another may change a lot a character build. :p
"Justice is the romance of fools, evil is just another name for victors. Peace is the balance created by conflict, cruelty is the paranoia of the defeated. You will perish in your folly, while we will survive, no matter what we must do." -- Motto of SHAFT Industries


Regarding optional rules you can take a look at the House Rules of our group, which you can find on my homepage.

OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

"Justice is the romance of fools, evil is just another name for victors. Peace is the balance created by conflict, cruelty is the paranoia of the defeated. You will perish in your folly, while we will survive, no matter what we must do." -- Motto of SHAFT Industries


I just added another character to the character gallery: Narvi, a Dwarven Ranger of 16th level. He is probably the character with the best stats I ever rolled in all my years of roll-playing.