I did not do such a thing. But if I wanted to, I'd probably use the novels as a baseline instead of the movies. I'd probably also change a number of things, such as
- update the skill list to one that is more suited to those the typical Conan stories focus on
- trim down magic *a lot*, especially the non-dark professions. I would likely put the emphasis on exacting rituals and charms instead of battle mage-like spellcasting.
- change the character creation in a radical way, making the skill costs not profession-based but race (ethnicity) based. Conan stories put a heavy emphasis on race, much more than on professions. What you do at any given time is mutable and not an core part of your being. Where you come from, how you were raised, what's in your blood, however, dictate how you react to the world. It is very much in contradiction with more modern fantasy. As such, I would create development archetypes based on race (and possibly gender as well, but at least race), and would use professions as RM uses adolescence profiles and training packages.
- I am on the fence regarding death, especially death in combat for PCs. Let's face it, Conan does a healthy number of perfectly stupid things. And he survives all of them. If you break the fourth wall, you can say that this is because he is the main character of the story and necessarily has script immunity. Without breaking the fourth wall, you can say that this is because of who he is, his innate spirit. You could make that a talent, but I think most players would take it, so... Basically, Conan is defeated, wounded, temporarily crippled, crucified, and a number of things that would spell death for a common man, but he survives, and he sometimes survives because something beyond his control happens (especially when he is crucified). It sounds suspiciously like fate, but not in the classic "reroll one dice roll" sense, rather in the "have something happen that makes him escape death" sense. Crippling wounds occur, but are healed (sometimes by NPC spirit magic, sometimes with strange herbs, sometimes with time). This means that while disabling critical results do occur, death results do not.