To the one hundred-and-fifty-second Briefing and third scheduled Briefing of 2024. Later than I expected due to some unwanted problems in the real world, which have now been resolved.
Dragonmeet 2024
Yes, I know it is only March, but this is when the trade bookings open. There has been debate at the highest echelons of ICE as to what “table” arrangement we should bid for this year. We hope to secure two tables this year as we are finding a single table too small for all the products we now have. I had the order placed for two tables on the lower floor within ten minutes of the bookings opening. We also want to upgrade our table setup to create a bigger visual impact and run some demo games – volunteer GMs wanted!
Dragonmeet 2024 will be on Saturday 30 th November and will be at the Novotel Hammersmith again.
Treasure Law has now been happily available for some weeks. Thank you for everyone who has submitted residual typo catches. Please submit any additional issues you spot on the forums so that the print release can be as perfect as humanly possible, and that we can have it ready in good time for Gen Con. Last-minute panics have all of us biting our nails hoping against hope that the printer completes in time and the shipping goes without a hitch.
Software – ERA, Roll20 and AutoHARP
ERA RMU Treasure Law is also safely available on DriveThru. Again, if you find any issues, please report them on the forums so that Max can investigate and resolve them.
We are hoping to enjoy a runthrough of the current RMU-in-progress for the Roll20 virtual tabletop this month.
Although the new version of AutoHARP was ready last month, I held off uploading it onto DriveThru as there were some things that I needed to check to avoid any errors in configuring the listing. If you are an existing AutoHARP user, please do ensure that you have enabled receipt of emails from us through DriveThru.
I am enjoying my gentle editing pass on HARP Steampunk, and hope to be able to complete the pass without needing to nudge Phil Masters for any corrections. Looking very good so far.
Colin continues to commission the artwork and cartography for Banecroft: The Mage’s Tale, and progress is being made on producing the RMU stats for this adventure module.
Until next time
Please stay safe and keep gaming.
Best wishes,