City of Lohm location ?

Started by Syssiah, January 03, 2024, 09:20:04 AM

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Hi and happy new year ! :)

I'm looking for the location of the Lohm city, that I found in some unofficial contents (Twilight Over Emer).
Is that only an official city by the way ? If so, in which book can I find any information about it ?


Really late reply and maybe you've found the info already but the City of Lohm (not always spelled this way) is the location of The Oracle of Syne and is a ruin. I think you'll find info in the Emer I book.

All the best for the new year... 2024!

B Hanson

Quote from: DAL on January 25, 2024, 06:14:19 AM
Really late reply and maybe you've found the info already but the City of Lohm (not always spelled this way) is the location of The Oracle of Syne and is a ruin. I think you'll find info in the Emer I book.
DAL. I've looked for this and haven't found anything. The Oracle of Syne was mentioned in Emer but nothing on the city of Lohm. I checked Emer I-III and SWMA 3 & 4. Any ideas? It must have come from somewhere, but not sure it's canon.
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