Author Topic: Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign  (Read 2886 times)

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Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign
« on: October 03, 2022, 12:55:15 AM »

It's been a while since I came here on ICE's forums. I'm glad to see it still exists (and my old account too). ^_^

So I'm planning a new Cyradon campaign, beginning hopefully in a few months. From the last one I ran, I found out I need to flesh out several NPCs for the gaming session to run smoothly. I've had some ideas for the Nagazi and Mablung / Dwarves delegations. Are there people here interested to know more about them?

Also, I need help for the PCs' party incentives to the route I planned. To give brief idea, I want a party of aventurers to go to Blackflame. Obviously, there will be Mablung in the party and other adventurers. They will need a guide, I thought about using an NPC Shival Arali (Elf), as I think giving that role to a PC will give that player too much leverage on the story.

The part I'm having difficulties figuring out is this: I prefer for the party to go north of Belynar, take the Marisant River (granted there is enough water), and go all the way to Llyrius or Mellianour. (They can't go through the Whispering Hills nor the Melanae Forrest for they are deadly and the guide will refuse to go there.) Then take a boat to the closest bay to Blackflame, and walk until they find the entrance. What I realized while looking at the map is that, while the route north is probably the shortest, the safest is probably going east to Janiel. But I don't feel like running an adventure through a big city, it's really not the same kind of preparation as a wildernest one! (At least for the beginning of the trip. And I'd rather have the party going close to Cairnus...  ;D)

I understand that my best bet is to find an idea about time constraints. Has anyone better ideas?
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Re: Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2022, 10:50:13 AM »
They might also need to deliver something along that route, or meet up with a contact, or escort someone from a point along that route to their destination.
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Offline Zut

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Re: Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 03:13:26 PM »
Great idea, yet so simple!

Ok, I will think about something related to Neras. This can give an incentive to other PCs to tag along.
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Re: Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2022, 01:51:15 PM »
Grumble - have written some material on encounters on the road north of Belynar but its part of a module submitted to ICE a decade ago. If y'all need more content for the content, perhaps Colin or Nicholas might not mind if I excerpt some content ...

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Re: Advices needed for a new Cyradon campaign
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2022, 08:26:16 AM »
If you would like to DM it over to the original poster I'm sure that would be fine.