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General Discussion / Re: RMU One-Shot in the Warhammer setting
« Last post by Giovanni81 on November 04, 2024, 04:52:29 AM »
The PCs of my players are level 4. I lowered the staring level after some thoughts.
After some consideration I think I will inserto 2 type of encounters in the orphanage:

1. A little group of powerful enemies.
For example: a group of 2 Fimirs (i.e Orc greater)

2. A huge swarm of very inferior enemies.
A tribe of snotlings (minions: each not fumbled attack kill one ot them) that serve the Fimirs as cannon fodder.

I know 2 is the most dangerous option but I want my players feel the difference with D&D. They should observe how numerical inferiority is dangerous and how important is to correctly maneuver their PC in the battlefield.
ICE News and Discussion / Re: Director's Briefing - November 2024
« Last post by Hurin on November 03, 2024, 10:16:57 PM »
I'll ask the question everyone wants to know: How is Creature Law coming?
I get where you’re coming from but their are several problems that don’t have easy answers.

In my opinion the desire to feed the legacy game players has been the death of RM. putting in RM2 stats into older books just delayed adoption of RMSS/RMFRP. I understand that was an Amthor thing because if I recall correctly he wrote the material for RM2 and didn’t switch to RMSS. RMU will suffer the same fate if there’s an attempt to please legacy players.

The other issue is that any new material that tries to include RM2 or RMSS stats will just take forever to make it to production. Look at the current production of RMU. It’s taken essential 2 decades to put out an updated game and there’s still 1 more boom needed for basic play and 2-3 books needed for semi-advanced play. That’s another 2 years for basic books.

Creating new material for Shadow World is a 5 year projection easy, particularly if you’re talking about completely writing new stuff. What I suggest is something that can be done in a year (I’d say less but again look at the current book and the time to reach pdf distribution). The faster they can get a product on the shelf to go along with RMU and or HARP the better. At some point any possible new players will just lose interest. At least getting out a product updated for RMU with minimal rewrites and a decent amount of new cleaned up and reorganized material would be great for the game.

Your issue Mr. K is different. You’ve likely played through all the material out there and advanced your own timeline. There is no product that would satisfy your gaming needs for Shadow World unless they wrote something set far into the future (hence your timeline would be irrelevant) or for an area of Kulthea which has nothing written so that it’s completely new. That’s a huge undertaking.itd take years to get that planned, written and prepared. It’d be 2030 by the time anyone would see that project.
ICE News and Discussion / Re: RMU in foreign languages
« Last post by Luxferre on November 03, 2024, 04:47:31 PM »
Thx Nicholas!
Rolemaster / Re: Criticalsslaying on ghosts and non-corporeals
« Last post by Outhouse on November 03, 2024, 02:48:00 PM »
Thanks for all answers.
My fudging usually means turning crit results that are meaningless to undead into something else...e.g. extra hits. I can't have a player doing worse by rolling better.

I'm looking at RMU but I like paper and snagged a bargain set of rules. I'm going to try to get back up to full speed in familiar territory before branching out.

I understand that undead should be hard to kill and are always dangerous, my issue is more that slayiness of slaying weapons against incorporeal forms still requires having to ignore things on a crit table that unbalance the progression of damage with increasing roll.
If this was considered and incorporated into the table then fair enough.

I'll have a look at the channelling companion as suggested too thanks.
I like the point about the stagger effect, that kind of fits in more nicely with my visualisation of such combat.

It's no biggy, RM isn't perfect but overall I like the way it works. This just went clang in my brain for some reason and i can't let it go. Not like RM ever misses out on the opportunity for a new table...
Rolemaster Software / Re: RMU for Roll20
« Last post by Giovanni81 on November 03, 2024, 01:30:11 PM »
super-clear: thank you.
Rolemaster Software / Re: RMU for Roll20
« Last post by nash on November 03, 2024, 01:26:09 PM »

could you please provide 2 or 3 examples of string to be passed in the "Apply Injury" text field?

Just in case i must apply an injury outside the normal combat flow.

So if you use the critical roll it will show some examples.

The general format is an uppercase letter followed by a digit:
The letters are:

  • H - Hits - eg H33. 33 hits of damage
  • P - A penalty (-X to all actions) P15 -> A 15 penalty.  Note no negative.  Just the number
  • F - Fatigue penalty.  Penalty to the fatigue.  F33.  -33 Fatigue penalty
  • B - Bleed N per round.
  • S - Staggered for N phases.  Typically 1.
  • P - Knocked prone.  Number is ignored, but it is required (just use 1)
  • G - Grappled %.  So G30 -> grappled 30%
  • Q/W/E - Stun for 25/50/75 for n rounds.   So Q3E1 is stun 75 for 1 round (E1), 3 rounds of stun 25 (Q)
  • X - Make a breakage check.  the N is the penalty (sheet doesn't do this; GMs call)
  • D - Death (Defeated) in N rounds.  This is generally bad for the receiver
  • Z - end of the string.  Optional, needs no number

There are two special ones, L and O.  L says the location - 1: head, 2: chest, 3: arms; 4: leg.  O (letter O) 1 for left, O2 for right.

If you have a P or B which imply an injury that needs healing; the L and O are required.  Otherwise it's optional.  Those injuries will appear on the Scratch tab.

A couple of examples:
H7Q1P5L3O1Z  -  7 Hits damage.  -5 penalty to all actions,.  One round of Stun -25.   Hit left arm.

H3E1S1P5G75L1O2Z - 3 hits, -5 penalty to all actions, grabbled at -75, a round of 75 stun, knocked prone and staggered. The injury healing on the head (H2), on the right. 

H10B1Q2P15L3O1Z - 10 hits, 1 bleed, 2 stun @ -25,  -15 penalty,  left arm.

Let me know if that makes sense or if something needs more examples.
ICE News and Discussion / Re: RMU in foreign languages
« Last post by NicholasHMCaldwell on November 03, 2024, 08:11:04 AM »
A French translation is being worked on.

Best wishes,
ICE News and Discussion / Director's Briefing - November 2024
« Last post by NicholasHMCaldwell on November 03, 2024, 08:10:20 AM »

To the one hundred-and-sixtieth Briefing and eleventh scheduled Briefing of 2024.

Gen Con 2025

Two important decisions are occurring in the United States this month. One of those is the 2024 presidential election, of course. The other is the Gen Con 2025 booth allocation decision-making. We have applied for a full booth for 2025. Although our booth sharing arrangement over the past several years with Pointy Hat Games has been very successful, we have been very conscious that our growing product footprint is squeezing Pointy Hat Games out of boothspace and that’s not fair on Pointy Hat. Hence we are applying this year in the hope of gaining our own booth before the space situation becomes critical. Fingers crossed.


A news flash from the Dragonmeet organisers that they are nearing the limits of venue capacity. If you have not purchased a ticket for Dragonmeet and wish to attend, please buy your ticket quickly to avoid missing out.

Software – AutoHARP

As noted in last month’s Briefing, we had a number of updates and new datasets for the AutoHARP3 edition. All of the updates and the new edition files were uploaded across the latter half of October and coupon emails were sent prior to each new release to those who had purchased 1st edition AutoHARP products. AutoHARP3 Fantasy and AutoHARP3 SF are now on their 3.02 version as are their respective Architect expansions. If you did not receive your discount email(s), please contact Colin for the code(s).

Software – ERA for Rolemaster

Not to be outdone, Max has been working on ERA, making a number of minor corrections to the several of the datasets. The most important addition is the new Gaming Table module extension to the ERA base package. This expansion currently allows people playing remotely to follow the dice rolls of other party members, keep tabs on their status, check their skills and spells, and initiate maneuvers and casting, that are then ultimately resolved by the GM in the Adventuring module. I say “currently” because Max is working on additional functionality for this module.


Jonathan Dale updated his draft of Character Companion for RMU in line with the lessons learned from Core Law, Spell Law, and Treasure Law. In the current draft, skills receive an expanded treatment considering alternative applications, rules and example difficulties. Arms users gain the ability to customise their combat with new Fighting Styles. There are new talents and flaws introduced as well as new non spelluser professions. I am now quietly working my way through the updated draft in editing mode.

Until next time
More updates as always in future Briefings. Stay safe and keep gaming.
Best wishes,

Rolemaster / Re: HR for RMU: Perception to spot magical items
« Last post by Spectre771 on November 03, 2024, 06:07:15 AM »
We used Power Perception in RM2
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