Forum > Echoes of Heaven

Starting a game and running the first teaser

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 Well my father and uncle also have had the same problem for many years. I hope it is as simple as theirs to fix, but the fact that they are talking about reseting the heart cells means it is a little different.
 Anyway medicine is amazing these days [boy I sound like and old man] and I hope they can put your mother back in the "well and good" category.



--- Quote from: markc on October 26, 2009, 11:32:47 PM ---Anyway medicine is amazing these days [boy I sound like and old man] and I hope they can put your mother back in the "well and good" category.

--- End quote ---

Absolutely, me too.

Thanks so much, guys.

mocking bird:
Another question - how do you become a 'sanctioned spell user'?  Generally clerical magic is acceptable.  In HARP this can be fudged a little as clerics have a more open list selection.  But what about RM - especially if you aren't using the Channeling Companion?  For example a magician would be pretty obvious as a cleric shooting fire bolts might set off a few flags.

Then along those lines, how organized is Sinnius/the witch hunters?  Do they have wanted posters?  For example if they have a renegade spell caster in their sights, is the whole order alerted or are they fairly solitary so if a few members 'disappear' after getting killed by their quarry wouldn't be that unusual.

And I do hope things are going well on the medical front.  It is amazing what they can do now.

You can't "become" a sanctioned spell user.  You are one or you aren't.  If you do magic in a way the local culture approves, then you are a sanctioned spell user.  I guess you could just move to a place where they approve of your style to "become" sanctioned.

Well the Society of Sinnius is technically a secret.  Both are as organized as any Church Order can be.  Still it's a medieval society.  As for wanted posters, I guess if they had a fortune to spend they might make them, but there are probably better spend money than to hire a scribe and an artist to hand create a lot of posters.

As for medical, I've been worse off than her.  A sinus infection.  I think it came pretty close to turning toxic.  I probably got it in the hospital when I took her in.


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