Forum > Shadow World

Witch Doctors

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Hiya all

I had a question regarding witchdoctors and spell lists.  The group is encountering murlochs and other nasties that are savages.  I looked in RM2 and other companions and was trying to decide what would be the best class for a witchdoctor.  I had thought about using the shammy but the spell lists didn't really match, thinking back to some of the old movies, such as Tarzan.  I am thinking about combining a few of the shammy lists with some of the witch ones but is there any others that might make more sense? 

Is he about curses and the like? If you have access to RM2 look at the Warlock, the Witch, the Macabre, and the Shaman. That might do the trick: allow curses, healing trances, maybe circles of power (Conjurer), and a few other nice spells.

I thought about it some more last night.  Might need to include Herb list from druids, Cauldron from witch and such.  I had forgot about the circles.  Mainly I am looking for primitive magic from a bone in nose type character who throws people into a pot and summons primitive gods and creatures, hmm summoning, had forgot that too.

Don't know whether he really needs summoning. The Information whatever might be interesting - forcing demons and spirits to give answers. Summoning could be done by rituals if need be.
I was thinking about Protection Circles or utility circles (healing n stuff).
Herbs sounds fine.
The is a Scar Magic list in the Underground Races from RMSS which might also be interesting.

Wasn't there a Witch in Companion III?

Maybe Companion II.  Potions and candle magic if I recall.  Never used them.



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