Author Topic: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level  (Read 3524 times)

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Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« on: January 30, 2023, 12:07:13 AM »
I am setting the Character Death expectations for my new RMFRP game.
I can't find anything on how to outfit a character that starts at higher than 1st level.
Can someone point me to this information?

Characters that die will roll on this table to determine the level of their replacement character.

New Character Level Table
1d100 roll (not open-ended) + Group Prestige value
81-100   Average Party Level
61-80   Average Party Level -1 (minimum 1)
41-60   Average Party Level -2 (minimum 1)
21-40   Average Party Level -3 (minimum 1)
01-20   Average Party Level -4 (minimum 1)

Offline jdale

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Re: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2023, 01:10:26 AM »
It really depends on how generous you are with the loot. Take a look at your existing characters, how well are they equipped? I don't think you want to load up the new character that well (especially since the party probably still has the deceased character's gear), but for example if your party all has +10 high steel weapons, giving a replacement character something equivalent is just going to help them hold their ground. If the party is really rich, you don't need to give the new character anything, the party should want to spend some of that loot to get them properly equipped so they can contribute -- depends on what kind of players you have though.

Since RMFRP characters will tend to get items from their training packages, a reasonable approach would just be to look at what items they received from their TPs and then scale them up to be close to equivalent items that average party members might have. E.g. a TP might award a +5 or +10 item, but if the party has a lot of +20 items, maybe boost that to +15. Or a TP might award a Daily item with a 1st level spell, consider boosting that to a spell of the character's level.

Personally, I would not start replacement characters so far behind in level, though. Lower level characters are not going to be able to contribute much, which means they won't be called on to do things, which depending on how you award XP might mean they don't get much, leaving them stuck in a vicious spiral of irrelevance. So if you do let them lag, make sure to compensate for that both in terms of earning XP and also giving them some story share.
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Re: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2023, 10:30:47 AM »
My opinion : decide according to the character's background. If they come from a modest upbringing and have trained hard but had little chance to acquire 'extras', then you know they don't have any special items, regardless of their level. If, on the other hand, they come from an ultra-rich background, or were successful "treasure hunters" (or tomb robbers), then they are equipped accordingly.

Now balance that with drawbacks: if they are rich, they have enemies, either personal or familial, and might have obligations. If they were successful tomb robbers, they have a reputation, and perhaps rivals and enemies as well. They might also have various traumas.

As for level, I would systematically set the new character at a level at least equal to the lowest level of the surviving party members. I don't like to see people try to play catch-up.

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Re: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2023, 12:20:45 PM »
So I currently run an online game for the system that shall not be named (only mocked).  I have not been running long enough to get a long term group, so I still get drop in characters coming and going.  Additionally I play in another game which has a mostly solid group, with a slow turn over of other players.

My group uses milestone levelling (ie, you go up level when the GM says you go up level) and the other uses XP. 

In both cases new (and replacement) characters always start at the same level as the rest of the party.   

To me, I think anything else is just not fun.  If you are lower level you aren't as powerful,  it's way too easy to get overshadowed by other characters.  Essentially punishing people by downleveling them seems like a great way to disenfranchise new people.

Money & equipment is quite tricky - the theory is easy however; same as everyone else.  Of course "same as everyone else" is really hard to identify.    If you took good notes as the GM of how much you gave everyone (or the party as a whole) it's easy for gold at least.

Problem is items.  For instance years ago my Fighter in an RM game got hold of a good sword that he wasn't proficient in.   So the next few levels I was busy like crazy developing skill in whatever weird weapon it was (I think it was a Khopesh, but I don't recall now).   Result was I was pretty good with that weapon a few levels later, but had a whole pile of ranks in broadsword which I wasn't using (eventually I got hold of a better broadsword and the khopesh(?) was retired).  Point being if the GM gave the new character that weapon when the character joined the party it would have been near useless (ie not fun).  If he got a +20 broadsword it would be better then what my character had got.  In both cases kinda unfair.

Offline katastrophe

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Re: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2023, 11:39:48 AM »
We typically move new PCs back 1 level if they died from bad choices.  They are usually the same level but at base xp (usually the rest of the group will be somewhere between levels so they have xp) (ie. new PC level 3 would have 30,000 but existing group might be at 37,000 so about to level up).

The difference in survivability and competency of characters 2-4 levels apart is significant, particularly when it comes to ability to cast magic. ie a 3rd level magician would be crazy to attempt to cast a firebolt and would be limited to shockbolt and an occasional waterbolt. Whereas a 5th level magician has two bolts at his disposal which are significantly better than the 2 levels prior and if needing additional firepower can overcast with minimal risk a firebolt with 1 round of prep.

Moreover, a three level difference like 3rd to 6th is very different not only in available spells but what can be reasonably cast. At sixth defensive spells like blade turn can be autocast whereas there is no real chance of a 3rd level caster getting that off even though it is an instant.   

We would be concerned about the survivability when dealing with threats a 6th level group would be challenged by. 2-4 levels difference might require a bit of a rethink. It could be a sounds good in practice more so than an implements well.

As for equipment, the approach we generally take is similar to JDale, look at the training packages taken and the items they receive when initially made. Maybe scale an item up, +10 sword might be +15 or +10 magical if other party members have something similar and it is consistent for their profession. Possibly look at other items in the party and what someone of similar profession has been able to acquire through accumulated gold in the prior adventures and allow something of that similar cost range.

We also usually look at the average gold of the party members and usually give them about 1/2 that amount to purchase additional stuff.   

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Re: Starting Wealth/Gear for Characters higher than 1st Level
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2023, 05:34:41 AM »
For more experience of others, I always started new PCs at one level below the lowest party member whether due to Death of a previous character, or a newbie.
I was always meritocracy-based in my rules, never liking “everyone wins the race at the same time” stuff but understanding the simplicity of choosing such XP handling.

You do you, but I wouldn’t dig a hole for starting levels more than the one or two.

Re: Treasure and Wealth for starting PCs, I took a page out of D&D 3.5 in later years, GM’ing.
I’d dole out a set amount of coin or items for a threshold level, then limit the purchases of magic items to half the total amount of wealth one had.
Nobody ever starts out with a single awesome item that is worth their entire life savings except at 1st Lvl, LOL! 

Adventuring allows small finds that turn into big finds, so that was my thinking re: doling out stuff for “newbie” characters starting at higher levels than 1st.
Hope it helps and good luck with your games!