Author Topic: Noticing mentalism spells... some questions  (Read 2963 times)

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Noticing mentalism spells... some questions
« on: December 08, 2022, 12:53:09 AM »
Thank you again in advance for anyone help.

We have a magent houri in the party (Mentalism Companion). And with her spells, some questions have been raised.

1. When a mentalist prepares and casts a spell, I assume there are no visual or auditory ques that the spell is being prepared or cast other than someone concentrating (if there were, many mentalist spells and lists would become useless). This is in contrast to Channeling and Essence spells, which I have always had accompanied by some kind of visual and sonic effects. Is this assumption correct? I recently tried to find confirmation of this assumption in the books and couldn't.

2. If someone has  passive spell (code: P) cast on them, they usually don't get a RR roll, but they can make one to notice that a spell has been cast on them. Is this the same for Houri force spells (code: Fm). I ask because if you cast Silver Tongue (page 151 mentalism companion) on a target, and the target immediately knows the spell has been cast on him, even if the spell succeeds, the utility of the spell is highly diminished. Much the same for many of the Houri's Kisses spells. Their utility is only valid if the victim is unaware of the manipulation. So I am running on the assumption that they work like the passive spells. The target is only aware, if they succeed in their RR roll (and the spell doesn't work). Is this the approach that other GMs recommend?

Sorry if they sound like silly questions.

Offline jdale

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Re: Noticing mentalism spells... some questions
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2022, 09:53:06 AM »
There's nothing that says any spell has any visible or audible effect other than what it does. However it's not addressed explicitly and the GM can decide otherwise if they want magic to generally be showy. If not, detecting spellcasting just depends on the caster's action (e.g. speaking, use of hands, etc).

I'm also not aware of any rule about whether you are aware you have resisted a spell. Generally I lean towards yes, but you might not know what spell without spell lore. You might decide Fm spells are more subtle.
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