Press Release 12/25/05

Started by Defendi, December 25, 2005, 08:38:47 PM

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December 25, 2005, 08:38:47 PM Last Edit: February 20, 2006, 11:40:35 PM by Defendi
Experience New Adventure in a World for Rolemaster and HARP


Salt Lake City, Utah, December 26th, 2005

Final Redoubt Press announces the upcoming release of a new game world: The Echoes of Heaven. Enter Meridrin, a fallen world, sundered from Heaven and Hell alike in the final days of the great War in Heaven. Here, brooding churches clash over matters of doctrine and honest peasants struggle to stay alive in a world that has spiraled beyond everyone?s control. Meridrin is sick, cut off from the light of Heaven so that even the earth festers and boils under the influence of infernal ulcers, pockets of Hell which impose themselves on reality: a dangerous force of evil in an already teetering world.

The world needs heroes. Will you answer the call?

The Echoes of Heaven is an e-product scheduled for release second quarter 2006. Within, GMs and players alike will explore a gritty and fascinating world that stands in the shadow of its own past: a world that languishes in the absence of the light of truth. The first product, including The Echoes of Heaven and the introductory adventure The Throne of God, will give GM?s everything they need to adventure in the world of Meridrin. It also launches a grand campaign in the vein of Warhammer FRP?s The Enemy Within, Shadow World?s Grand Campaign and the classic Dragonlance series. Here, players can take their first steps on a journey of intrigue and adventure that will carry them well into the highest levels of play.

?I feel like it?s been too long since a truly grand story arc has played out in the titles of a game company,? Robert J Defendi, writer and publisher, said. ?I want to recapture some of that grand feeling I still get running in one of the epic campaigns of old.?

?E-publishing needs to rethink its strategy,? Scott Llewelyn, series editor, said earlier this week. ?People out there are pricing straight PDF products at outrages costs. It?s one thing if you have to worry about undercutting a print run, but we feel like the prices of straight e-products need to come down to a level that motivates buyers. I don?t know how many times I?ve refused to purchase a PDF because the price was too unreasonable.?

The Echoes of Heaven will be a multi-stated world. Gamers will be able to download products stated for HARP, Rolemaster, or d20, either separately or in reasonably priced bundles. Source book and adventure bundles are scheduled for every one to two months after the first release.

About Final Redoubt Press
Final Redoubt Press is an e-publisher owned and operated by Robert J Defendi and Scott Llewelyn. Robert J Defendi--the lead writer--is a veteran game designer with over 800,000 words in print. He is the creator of the current Spacemaster line and coauther of Rolemaster?s Fire and Ice, the Elemental Companion. He has written for such companies as Alderac Entertainment Group, White Wolf, and Iron Crown Enterprises.

About Iron Crown Enterprises
Originally founded in 1980, Iron Crown Enterprises produced and  sold worldwide a variety of highly-successful original fantasy and  science fiction role playing and table-top games. In December 2001 Aurigas Aldebaron, LLC purchased the corporate assets and licensed Mjolnir LLC dba Iron Crown Enterprises to continue the tradition of creating highly sought-after adventure games. ICE's current game lines includes Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing, Spacemaster Science Fiction RPG, Shadow World RPG, Silent Death table-top miniatures game, and Run Out the Guns! adventure game.

'd20 System' and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission.
The Echoes of Heaven:  Available for HARP and Rolemaster.