Podcast reviews are coming to Space Master

Started by Micael, December 16, 2024, 12:49:23 AM

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Hiya to all Space Master fans,
podcasts reviews are coming also to you- but only a few concentrating on material you can use with other campaigns like Shadow World or together with ERA.
The second (science) part of Time Riders by Earl Wajenberg /ICE from 1992, a crossover product about Time Travelling Campaigns for all genres is reviewed as a starting point. The first fantasy part was posted last week in the Rolemaster channel. Very interesting is the complete summarized timeline for all settings of ICE during that time and a very detailed one about the real earth from the cosmic beginning till 1992. Means from Tolkiens Middleearth (far in the past on earth), over Mythic Greece and Vikings, further Pirate and Outlaw, then Cyberspace and Spacemaster.
In addition a new podcast show is created on spotify and apple podcasts, where all of the coming releases are published: https://open.spotify.com/show/3N1hCCiwcCiWad8OdAZWXN
Have fun!