The characters of Ecthelion, part 2

Started by Ecthelion, September 24, 2007, 03:28:03 AM

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Today I added a new character to the Character Gallery (the link has changed, unfortunately, the old one did not work any longer): Galdor, a 13th level Half-Elven Healer. Not the typical kind of healer with a focus mainly on spells and healing skills but rather a kind of Wolverine (X-Men) type who can deal damage in melee combat and heal the damage inflicted upon him. Of course he can also take over the damage from others and act like a normal healer, but I did not want to play a character who is really useful only after combat.


Hi, I just added the probably last RMSS/RMFRP character to the character gallery (link changed again, sorry): Talion, a level 17 Mixed Woodman Magent. He's a jack-of-all-trades, especially good at combat skills, perception skills and subterfuge skills.

We're now running an RMU campaign, so that future additions to the character gallery will be RMU characters.


Today I added my first RMU character to the character gallery. Meneldur is a mixed man Mystic. I was very fond of how versatile the Mystic has become in RMU. He has a huge arsenal of spells and can also learn subterfuge, technical (Meneldur did not since we had a Dabbler in the group) and even a weapon skill at acceptable costs. In case you might wonder about the +6 to Quickness stat: Our Cleric was able to add this bonus via Infuse Life and magic rituals for weeks. So it's kind of constant for the character.


Love the character gallery! Nice work.
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle
