Traveller to Spacemaster conversion

Started by Grimsouled, September 25, 2023, 04:30:28 PM

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Hey all, I've been working on at Traveller to Spacemaster conversion. My goal is to mimic the Traveller setting with the Spacemaster rules. I'm posting my progress at if you want to take a look. Feedback is welcome!


I have did a lot of mathematical calculations to try and get my Traveller campaign into Spacemaster terms. But now I am looking at it differently. I think the campaign should have a Age of Sail feeling with no communication beyond the fastest speed of a starship. I think I am going to limit my FTL picks to 1-6 and just use a pick as being how many parsecs can be travelled in a week's jump. I think the sublight picks can be done the same way by limiting to 6 picks with each pick being 10km/sec^2. I like your work though. It pays to have different viewpoints.


I stuck with keeping all the Traveller equipment, ships, weapons, armor etc and just making SM rules for them.


I like that method also. I have spent many hours looking at Traveller equipment and trying to convert it. I haven't looked at that project recently though. Since RMU came out, I have been soaking in it to see how I might move forward with a RMU/Traveller project. After reading through your pages last night, it has given more interest in the SM2/Traveller project. But I got sidetracked late last night and starting reading SMP looking for crossover potential. I do like your pages though. Very good reading.



Feel free to discuss any issues or things you're looking for feedback on. The website is nicely done and I think you can make a really fun campaign with it.
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle


I agree with Hurin. Traveller has a rich history and has been converted into several other game types. I like to play the Traveller history as is, but I enjoy working on game mechanics for different systems in order to port it.


I have added Crafting, Pharmacology, Personal Protection, and updates to the Skills & Cybernetics as well as other minor changes. Specific feedback that I'm looking for is sanity checks on the rules. Thanks.


I glanced through T5 and there are some sanity rules, but I don't see how the starting sanity is calculated. For unofficial input, there is the T4 stuff from Freelance Traveller at

T5 edit: Starting sanity for all sophonts is 2D. As I understand it, you roll against your sanity when there is a crisis or trauma. I think you roll 2D less than or equal to your sanity. 0 is insanity. You can increase lost sanity through counseling or drugs. Of the initial 2D rolled for sanity rating, the first D6 rolled is your genetic portion of your sanity.

David Johansen

A Traveller 'ton' is the displacement of one tonne of liquid hydrogen so 14 cubic meters or thereabouts.  So a Scout Courier is 1400 cubic meters and a Free Trader is 2800 cubic meters. The 'jump drive' is a hyper drive with fuel requirements of 10% of the ship's volume per parsec of range.  Traveller maneuver drive ratings are in Gs and jump drives are in parsecs per week.  Chances are the Traveller design sequences won't match up well with Spacemasters.  I'd probably just work out the hit points and huds and stuff like that.  Traveller's Imperial maximum TL 15 is only about TL 21 in Spacemaster.