You'll find members of every race in Sel-Kai including all of the types of Elves but their cultural traits will be defined more by their role in the city than by their race. You should be thinking of the Elves of Kulthea in roughly the same way you do the the Mannish races, their cultural traits vary depending on where they live. Each race has its own strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and biases but they are scattered in communities all around the world. And there are very few places you'll find a culture dominated by the Elves. They tend to live in very small groups within other cultures.
Emer Atlas I has a description of a Dyari culture in Skystone.
Emer Atlas II has a description of a Loari culture in Námar-Tol.
Emer Altas III has a description of a Shuluri culture in Malqanar.
Emer Atlas IV (if it gets published) should have a description of a Linæri culture in Lys.
Erlini communities are scattered all over the globe but tend to be very small or ruled by one of the other Elven groups. The stereotypical "wood elf" would apply to most of those.
One interesting thing to note is that even the larger communities formed and dominated by Linæri, Loari, or Dyari always have Erlini and mortal races in far larger numbers. There just aren't enough "High Elves" to form one exclusively of their own race. Being immortal they don't seem to have the same instinct to procreate or are possibly very infertile.