Empire Galactique JDR Skills Conversion (partial)

Started by Hansuke, September 27, 2022, 07:44:40 PM

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I am working on converting Empire Galactique skills into RM. I have most of the basic ones but was wondering if any one had any ideas on how the following skills would translate into RM:

Faith 23
The character is intimately
convinced of the truth of what he says
and the values he believes in. As
faith moves mountains, it gets to
win the support of its interlocutors.
This skill acts as MOD
for verbal duels where the Will is
the feature used.

Logic 51
The character has clarity and
rigor in his reasoning. He knows
all kinds of logical processes
humans and E.T., including non-human mode
Aristotelian. Allied to a beautiful
Intelligence, logic well employed
makes the argument irresistible. She
allows to convince and lead
the rapid and sincere adherence of
many encounters.

Weapon Prosthesis 53
The character's right arm is
replaced by a pseudo-arm of appearance
normal. This artificial arm is stronger and
more efficient at accomplishing most
natural actions. The level of
skill acts as a MOD in
fighting with contact, bare hands and

Robot Fight 55
Character can branch
directly on a combat robot (cf.
robots). This skill serves as a MOD
for all actions performed by the
robot when it is connected, as well as to
avoid breakdowns.

Repair prosthesis 56
The character's left arm is
replaced by a pseudo-arm of appearance
normal. This artificial arm conceals
makes a true universal kit of
repair (TN 3 to 6); his fingers can
replace any tool,
precision micro-laser screwdriver.
This skill makes it possible to do without
kit for repairs and level
serves as a MOD for speed

This is my chart so far:

#Empire GalactiqueRMC II
11Driving Vehicles NT 1DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Animal or Canoe)
12Driving Vehicles NT 2DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Chariot or Sailboat)
13Driving Vehicles NT 3DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Automobile, Motorboat or Airplane)
14Driving Vehicles NT 4DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Slider or Jet)
15Driving Vehicles NT 5DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Bubble)
16Driving Vehicles NT 6DRIVING (AG/QU) (Maneuver) (Antigrav)
21TelekinesisWarrior Mage Base List p74
22TelepathyWarrior Mage Base List p74
23Faith verbal duels convincing?????????????????????????????????????
24DisguiseDISGUISE (PR/SD) (Static Action)
25PSI Consciousness meditation relaxation higher consciousnessMEDITATION(PR/SD)(varies)
26MedicineFIRST AID (SD/EM) (Static Action)
31TacticsTACTICS (RE/IN) (Static Action)
32Hand to Hand Combat unarmedBRAWLING (RE/IN) (Maneuver) or MARTIAL ARTS (ST or AG) (Maneuver/OB)
33CommandementLEADERSHIP (PR) (Static Action)
34Contact Combat handgunWEAPON SKILLS (ST or AG)(Maneuver/OB) (One Handed Projectile or Energy)
35Ranged Combat long range weaponWEAPON SKILLS (ST or AG)(Maneuver/OB) (Two Handed Projectile or Energy )
36StrategyMILITARY ORGANIZATION (PR/RE) (Static Action)
41BriberyBRIBERY (PR/RE) (Static Action)
42ET LanguagesLINGUISTICS (NONE)(StaticAction)
43SeductionSEDUCTION (EM/PR) (Static Action)
44Haggle / BargainingTRADING (RE/EM) (Static Action)
45HypnotismHYPNOSIS (PR/SD) (Static Action)
46EstimateAPPRAISAL (IN/IRE) (Static Action)
52Orientation position of stars locationsDIRECTION SENSE (IN/RE) (Static Action) or NAVIGATI0N (RE/IN)(Static Action)
53Weapon Prosthesis?????????????????????????????????????
54Combination armor NT 4 to NT 6MANEUVERING IN ARMOR (AG)(Maneuver)
55Combat Robot?????????????????????????????????????
56Repair Prosthesis?????????????????????????????????????
61Conversion fix devices  63 to 66 with other devicesMECHANITION (RE/AG) (Static Action)
62AdministrationADMINISTRATION (IN/EM) (Static Action)
63MechanicalRMC6 Technics (Ag/Me) (Static Action)
64ElectronicsRMC6 Technics (Ag/Me) (Static Action)
65Computer ScienceRMC6 Technics (Ag/Me) (Static Action)
66RoboticsRMC6 Technics (Ag/Me) (Static Action)
