Privateers and Falar racial attack discrepancy

Started by Twistor, March 06, 2021, 08:05:55 AM

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In Spacemaster: Privateers it's stated that Falar have Natural Attack (Large Claws). However, in Spacemaster - Privateers: Races & Cultures, it's said in the Special Abilities of Falar that they receive Natural Weapon (Claws, medium size).
(EDIT add, Spacemaster: Future Law doesn't specify it either way.)

So, which one is it? Or does it vary by sub-race?

Personally, I'd give Falanar the Large Claw attack as per the core book (that only details Falanar) and Falaris the Medium Claw attack since they're the smallest sub-race but I'm not sure about Falaron: should the tiger people have medium or large claw attack?
"This here is my invention. A small orb with a tornado trapped inside of it. Magnificent, like a ship in a bottle but with dynamics and power fluctuating inside. Here, you may take a closer look. Just don't drop it or we will all die."
- Vir'alaar the Air Elementalist


IMHO, generally later books fix errors in previous books.
I do not remember an errata page for SM:P but I could be wrong.

To me Large claw seems too much but it has been a long time since I looked at it and I do not have the books close to me.
I would compare the large attack to other races in the book, and ask if it seems balanced or not. I would also ask myself does it seem like tech things (armor, equipment) could be designed to allow such an attack and not be impaired.
I do remember the book having special armor for the race but not much more then that.

I myself would probably have it be a med attack, the smaller race also do a med attack but limit the crit. That idea is not really found in RM/SM and not an option in various Talent Laws/Race Creation rules.
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I just remembered that R Defendi the author had a website and that may have the errata page you seek.
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I'm aware of the errata, I should have mentioned it but the idea seems to have slipped my mind. (For anyone else wondering, it is found e.g. here).

You bring a good point about the later books revising the material in the earlier ones. All Falar are medium-sized regardless of sub-race, though there's a large difference in height and weight between the largest and smallest of them (Falanar are about 2.2m while Falaris are average at mere 1.5m, and Falanar are nearly twice the weight of Falaris). Based on size alone, it would fit that their attack size were Medium. It would certainly make things simpler.

As for my own thought-process regarding this, I was looking at Creatures & Monsters tables for lions and tigers for comparison (as Falanar and Falaron are evolved from felines like those). By the way, while tiger is the biggest of the cats but Falanar, evolved from lions, are still the largest of the Falar, probably to account for them being the ruling (largest in physical size) class of Falar. According to C&M both lions and tigers have a Large Claw attack (though Lion still has better OB), so my thoughts were to use Large Claw for Falanar and Falaron, while using Medium Claw for Falaris because they are evolved from panthers that are similar in size to leopard or jaguar that are modelled as Large Cats (who have MCl attack according to C&M).
"This here is my invention. A small orb with a tornado trapped inside of it. Magnificent, like a ship in a bottle but with dynamics and power fluctuating inside. Here, you may take a closer look. Just don't drop it or we will all die."
- Vir'alaar the Air Elementalist


In general I also look at comparisons, what other creatures have a large claw attack and does it make sense for that race to also have it.

In general apes are stronger then humans so it might be reasonable to assume that the attack size would be reduced as well.

I would look at the balance of the option vs others in the game and see if it does and or would cause an issue. Or when would it cause an issue and when would it not.
  In most space games energy, firearms and advanced melee weapons rule so hand to hand and archaic melee weapons tend to not be as unbalancing. But having said that there a times it can be very unbalancing for natural attacks to be automatically at the highest levels.

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If you can find it I think there is a discussion about SM:P races and attack size in the forums (in the past).
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