1st/2nd Ed Imperium question

Started by broodhunter, March 23, 2020, 05:06:09 PM

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I have been going thru all the books for SM and Silent Death, and have found a ton of information, and a strong feeling that there was some sort of "guide book" for things (IE where things are located, historical reference points, etc).  Multiple books refer to the same thing, but none of them have hard details.  (for example, I Knew House Aramae was a thing, now I noticed in the old SD Overkill module that the second imperial lineage came from there).  There is a consistancy that appeals to me. 

However, finding out where a lot of these things go together (For example what was the fascination with giving SD locations with Z coordinates without X and Y coordinates? This kills me because I only have a third of the puzzle!)

So my question is this:  Does ANYBODY have that old guide book?  I am trying to build a cohesive model of the SM universe and I feel like an anthropologist, trying to figure out the cultures by just a few artifact pieces.


The information is scattered across several books.  The GM Book of Spacemaster 2ed has a lot of info, but the Campaign books had info as well, usually focused on one Major House.  Lots of Houses are referenced by name but never given much detail, including several without locations.

Back in the 80s I compiled a start chart of every system listed in any book.  Alas, I it's long since lost, but even that map has only a tiny fraction of stars in a 100ly radius from Sol.  (There areva lot of |red dwarfs, iirc.)


I have a spreadsheet I compiled from all of my books several years ago, for calculating travel distances. It does not have much info. But it does capture the X,Y,Z coordinates, Star Spectral type and the Clan (when applicable), as well as whatever short info. I ran across while running games. Very Minimal, but has 340-ish systems.

Its more complete than the big foldout map, but I do not know if it is complete-complete.