Early craft

Started by Skaran, September 24, 2019, 11:28:05 PM

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Has anyone got any ideas on how to build ships of TL11 to 13. I am looking at pre-dreadnought and dreadnought era. I was primarily looking at Spacemaster Vehicles but have also been looking at Mongoose Traveller which has rules for the hulls but no appropriate weapons. Traveller New Era you can design the weapons but no rules for building the wet navy ships.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


Might be worth having a look at Sea Law has a section on Designing & Constructing Ships (pages 59-63)


I do have Sea Law it is fine for sailing ships with black powder cannon but there is nothing for later periods.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow

David Johansen

I'd probably just look them up in a reference book and port the stats over rather than designing them.


Armored Assault had rules for building planetary vehicles, including watercraft.


Not sure if this will help, but I received an e-mail from Drive Thru RPG today advertising DramaScape - Commercial Spaceship Floor plans.  It looks pretty good from the preview, maybe it will be of help.
If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!


Well I think the first thing I'll do is drop the TL limitation on armour. If the vehicle can carry it it can have it. Secondly looking at my old TNE gun designs for TL 4,5 & 6 there is not much difference between them other than some ammunition types and lower accuracy and for larger guns lower lethality so it should be possible to do this by adding to the TL difference disadvantage/advantages in High Guard.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow