spacemaster gamemasters manual 2003

Started by Angrenost, June 08, 2018, 08:41:29 PM

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Does anyone know of a way to get your hands on the spacemaster gamemasters manual 2003.

I am ask specifically because of the custom scifi race generation. I am currently trying to run a campaign using the privateer rules in the starfinder universe and am trying to convert all the races over.


Do you mean the ICE4515 Privateers Future Law ?
I'd swallow cthulhu whole, with sushi and soy-sauce.

Currently: [BME] [FitD]
Legacy: [d6] [Genesys] [ArsMagicka] [MERP] [HARP] [Ubiquity] [d20] [WoD] [SR] [WHFRP] [WOIN/O.L.D.] [RM2/C]


sad and sorry
I'd swallow cthulhu whole, with sushi and soy-sauce.

Currently: [BME] [FitD]
Legacy: [d6] [Genesys] [ArsMagicka] [MERP] [HARP] [Ubiquity] [d20] [WoD] [SR] [WHFRP] [WOIN/O.L.D.] [RM2/C]


"Spacemaster Datanet #3" is what you want
I'd swallow cthulhu whole, with sushi and soy-sauce.

Currently: [BME] [FitD]
Legacy: [d6] [Genesys] [ArsMagicka] [MERP] [HARP] [Ubiquity] [d20] [WoD] [SR] [WHFRP] [WOIN/O.L.D.] [RM2/C]


Thank you that is just what I was looking for.

David Johansen

Yeah, it wound up in the Datanets.  I'd have liked to see some world generation tools and the like.