ERA Dataset for SM2?

Started by carlmund, October 04, 2017, 06:40:00 AM

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I wonder if the Author of ERA would produce a SM2 Dataset? I know I would certainly buy it! I would happily by a Minion version as well if that could happen too. can I tell the Authors :)

Voriig Kye

Quote from: carlmund on October 04, 2017, 06:40:00 AMhow can I tell the Authors
You can post a thread on the forums... oh, you did.

There is a poll to help me guide the development of ERA (
I use the poll to get an idea of the most popular requirements. AFAIK the few people who wanted to use it for SM so far have created their own custom configuration files, so no one asked for a dataset before.

I'm quite certain it could be done. But it wouldn't be a small task.
I have never played SM but I have checked some of the books at one point or another. I seem to recall there are "psions" that are equivalent to spell lists, and more Armor Types beyond the 1-20 in RM.
Another complication would be the quality of the books. You are asking for SM2, which I understand is older than the latest SM books, so quite likely we would only have low quality scans, and that is a complication when creating large datasets.

If we can confirm there are enough people interested, we can look into it.


Thanks for your reply. I'm not technical enough to make my own 'custom configuration files' which you mention. Wish I was. Anyway I would happily accept Privateers if that was easier. However I certainly understand reward versus time spent.
Right now I am looking into Savage Worlds sf on fantasy Grounds but prefer SpaceMaster over Savage Worlds any day and would integrate ERA (Separate Screen?) into a game I ran.
Thanks again for your reply,