New World - Aioskoru

Started by kwickham, October 28, 2015, 08:01:48 PM

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Peter R

OK, can you give me a point on the map in a coastal region, northern European climate and preferably non-foresty?

I want to stick a village on the map.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


Sure, I will make up a map showing a northern Europe temperate zone region which may be in the north or southern hemisphere. When I lay down an earth map on top of the Aioskoru map, the land area can be somewhat accurate. I see one region in the south and one or two regions in the north, just eyeballing it.

It will probably be latitudes labelled on the edges of the first map, Grid Map Small:
France I, CA
London G, EA
Norway/Sweden E, GA


Comparison of Earth vs Aioskoru

Peter R


I would like to put a human village pretty much at the very northern tip of where Earth Portugal is now living in symbiosis with a Morimanus settlement off shore.

The village name would translate to 'ugly' if you want to name it using the current language convention.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


Wow. There is no ancient unified concept of ugliness. Ugly is a rather modern concept, and each of the cultures have a different word within the Proto Indo European family. I checked Latin, Hindi, Norwegian, German, and Chinese and everything was different.

I could probably list several words to build a phrase which denotes the concept of ugliness, based on fear, repulsiveness, danger, or causing one to flee. In a sense, create ugliness for the ancient language.

Pick one of the three noun words for 'appearance' and then we can probably describe what the appearance does to people (verb) and/or an adjective or adverb to describe it. Does i cause fear, is it because of love or hate, or too much or little of something. Is it something unfavorable

Basis of a phrase.

Negating adverb, adjective
ne , not, no, none. It's the basis of no, nay, not, never, nill, null, naughty, neither, neglect, nothing, etc..

Possible adjectives/adverb
dus- , bad, evil, mis-, dys-
hwap- , bad, evil
mel- ,false, bad, wrong. It's the basis of malicious, malevolent, malady, malaria, dismal, and blame
pau- , few, little. It is the basis of few, pony, and poverty.

Suffix to adjective
-os , of, place

Possible verbs
bhegw- to run, flee. It's the basis of phobia.
dhe-k‑ to put, set. It's the basis of face, fashion, modify, edify, beatific, benefit perfect, faction, effect, affect, defect
deu- , to lack, be wanting.
gwhen-do- , strike, kill. It's the basis of offense, defense, offensive, fend, fence
gwere- to favor. It's the basis of grace, gratitude, agree, and grateful.
od- to hate. It is the basis of annoy & odious.
per- to fear, to risk, to try. It is the basis of fear, peril, experience, and pirate.
paw-e- to fear (to be struck)
pleuk- to flee, run in terror, flow. It is the basis of flee, flight, fly.
pri- to love. It is the basis of friend, free, afraid, and -phile.
perseg- to forsake, reject. It is the basis of forsake.
terkw- to turn.
yake- to throw, impel. It is the basis of reject, eject, deject, object,

Suffix to verb
simple, don't add anything.
present tense -ai
add -e-ye , verb form 'to cause __'

Possible prepositions
upo - under, below, from below
uper - above, over
ner - under , below
hen - in
epi - at, near
kam - with
do - to
de- from, out of
per - toward, forward, through, against, around

A possible nouns for appearance
(1)-okw-ti, is visible appearance that you see. It's the basis of optics, autopsy, and synopsis
(2)-kwrep, is body, form, shape, appearance. It's the basis of corpse, corporal, corset, corporate.
(3)-bhe-n-yo, brought to light, appearance, emergence. It's the basis of -phane, fantasy, phantasm, phase, emphasis.

-pos - on, put, place. It's the basis of position, post, post- , compose, impose, oppose, positive, transpose

Suffix of noun
-es , plural

Any of those words inspire a sense of 'Ugly' for a city. I can look up more.

Peter R

Melos seems to fit, the village is named after the treacherous coast it is set back just a little from.

The fishermen of Melos do not fish near the coast. Because of the Morimanus settlement being not far off shore the morimanus guide the human fishermen to the best fishing grounds and back again. This service prevents morimanus young being caught in nets and their homes being damaged by the flukes of dragging anchors.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


When I saw the name what sprang into my minds was the fact that people often name beautiful places poorly so others will stay out and some truly desolate places with names like Paradise, Bonanza and Bountiful to get people there.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Peter R

Lots of the coves near me, if you translate the names into English, refer to how danagerous the coast is and even some of the anglicised names are not pretty including Hell's Mouth and Gurnards Head. (The gurnard is not a pretty fish at the best of times).

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


Quote from: markc on November 20, 2015, 06:19:14 AM
When I saw the name what sprang into my minds was the fact that people often name beautiful places poorly so others will stay out and some truly desolate places with names like Paradise, Bonanza and Bountiful to get people there.

Very true mark. Social and psychological factors can come into place with names.

You had me looking up unusual place names a bit. I saw

I like Ogre, Latvia for a real city that they mention.,_Latvia

You want to claim a spot on the world Mark?

Quote from: Peter R on November 20, 2015, 05:37:58 AM
Melos seems to fit, the village is named after the treacherous coast it is set back just a little from.

The fishermen of Melos do not fish near the coast. Because of the Morimanus settlement being not far off shore the morimanus guide the human fishermen to the best fishing grounds and back again. This service prevents morimanus young being caught in nets and their homes being damaged by the flukes of dragging anchors.

Melos sounds like a place of melicious danger. Having the morimanus nearby creates an interesting relationship and dynamic.

Quote from: Peter R on November 20, 2015, 10:52:27 AM
Lots of the coves near me, if you translate the names into English, refer to how danagerous the coast is and even some of the anglicised names are not pretty including Hell's Mouth and Gurnards Head. (The gurnard is not a pretty fish at the best of times).

I like that type of naming. Brings character to an area.

You can use some of the other words for features and such around the area.

I've made you some topographical maps zoomed in of the area to show the hills and valleys better, I'll post soon as a tweak them a bit. Terrain texture that the other maps don't realy show.


Tell me if I got the right area. I picked the area where Portugal overlapped.

That is a peninsula on the top right, not an big island. A very interesting neck of land that may submerge during high tide if you want it to.

Several big and small coves are shown

There is also couple of cool valleys and hills.

Mixing the topography info with the biome, terrain, wind, and what you know of that type of area should be interesting. Especially knowing that type of area. The large hex map, this latitude probably averages 100 mile per hex or so

I can enlarge them maybe more if you want. Until last night, I didn't know how to do it.

Peter R

That sounds cool, as soon as Markc approves the images I will take a look.

I am imagining a string of human settlements eking out an existance between giants in those hills and the sea. A culture based upon sheep farmng on the land and fishing.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...

Peter R

Quote from: kwickham on November 20, 2015, 11:13:04 AM
That is a peninsula on the top right, not an big island. A very interesting neck of land that may submerge during high tide if you want it to.

That is too good to miss out on. I think we need a submerged petrifed forest off shore as well. as in ... this particular forest is one of the seeds for the mythological land of Lyoness along with the seven stones reef that is the reputed market for the sunken town

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


Here is an entire, somewhat 3D bump map, of the world Aioskoru. It shows all the major elevation changes, not smooth but enough to see valleys hills as well as the mountains. It can be used to figure out river flows of other rivers & streams, besides the main rivers. The default map only shows major rivers and not the regular rivers or streams which flow from upper elvations.

The mountains terrain & elevation on this map are more accurate than the hex symbol map.

The hills and valleys came out ok, I think. It is better than trying to draw it from the flat color map.

I don't have good enough software to smooth out or show individual mountains, so it is more topographical type map. Mountains are more abstract on this map. Someone else might have better software to show the individual mountains, or they can be hand drawn analyzing the texture The browns of the mountains had to be converted to lighter values because the software reads darker values as being lower than higher values.


Quote from: Peter R on November 20, 2015, 12:07:19 PM
Quote from: kwickham on November 20, 2015, 11:13:04 AM
That is a peninsula on the top right, not an big island. A very interesting neck of land that may submerge during high tide if you want it to.

That is too good to miss out on. I think we need a submerged petrifed forest off shore as well. as in ... this particular forest is one of the seeds for the mythological land of Lyoness along with the seven stones reef that is the reputed market for the sunken town

That is pretty neat. Kind of creepy. Adds good tension and atmosphere. Could explain the morimanus.


Quote from: markc on November 20, 2015, 06:19:14 AM
When I saw the name what sprang into my minds was the fact that people often name beautiful places poorly so others will stay out and some truly desolate places with names like Paradise, Bonanza and Bountiful to get people there.

For your pleasure.

Medhyo-ghor-dos, Paradise - closest I could get, which is similar to Midgard is Medhyo-ghor-dos meaning middle enclosure, park, garden. The place between a heaven and hell.

Dw-enos Bonanza - is based on Dw-enos (Bonus, bounty, meaning useful, efficient, working)

Op-ni, Op-en-ent, Op-tamo, Bountiful - closest I could get is abundance which is Op-ni (the basis for Omni), Op-en-ent (rich, wealthy), or Op-tamo (Wealthiest, the basis for Optimum).


A map with names so far can be found here.

Those last 3 names should be small villages in the Dusos Selom undead filled desert and swamps and the two deserts north of Anus Gweres which surrounding area is occupied by many orcs (the main strongholds most likely being the mountains Dhuer Gweres to the north), as Mark said, relfecting their desolate but trying to appeal to people motivation.


I think I will develop the Semimanus Lendh (Land of the Centaurs) first, which will actually be two of the centaurs the Ekouinmanus (horse) and the Skiehmanus (scorpion). It is located at Y to AA, 1 to 4 and 72 to 74 on the world map.

First some details of the horse centaurs, with some random tool help.

Ekouinmanus (horse) Kapos - Centaur land (ownership)

Reg-eqouinos Klopnis
Located in a valley surrounded by desert hills is the Valley (klopnis) of the Horse-king (Reg-eqouinos Klopnis), the Horse-king Cykr. This region is bordered on two sides by ocean. Their relations with their neighbors to the north (with the Skiehmanus) are cold, while relations with neighbors to the southwest (elves) are civil. The people are of mixed religions. Many worship their political leaders. There are four major cities, the largest of which is located in the southeast of the region - enclosed in sandstone cliffs. They are often troubled by severe weather.

He is the king and lord of the horse centaurs. He is known for his valour, sorrow and prophecy.

He, although old, is unusually beautiful, with bronzed skin, shoulder length, russet hair and mane, light grey coat, and eyes the color of bronze discs. He is very short and very slender, and almost never smiles. He usually wears light armor including barding, dyed dark grey.

He is also associated with the night sky and the fields and pastures.

He is often worshiped by the horse city dwellers. His numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by their ritual branding. There are a few carvings of him at crossroads. There are many stories and myths involving his affectionate relationship with his daughter Anandan. He is the husband of Fansol. He is known to sometimes place obstacles in the way of foreigners.

Ekouinmanus Kapos

Population: Entirely horse centaur
Political Structure: democratic republic
Strong Influence: religion
Popular Issue: personal freedoms
Stability: fairly solid
Personal Freedoms: good
Scandals: infrequent
Foreign Relations: bad   

Main Export: semi-precious stones
Main Import: gadgets
Main Resource: mining - metals
Trade: slight surplus
Strength: stable, but declining
Wealth: concentrated in a small upper class

Main Climate: temperate - plains
Ocean: on both sides
Mountains: desert sandstone hills, plateaus, and cliffs
Frequent Trouble: droughts
Wilderness: 22%
Wild Animals: rare
Natural Resources: abundant

Highly Values: family
Known For: science
Popular Entertainment: gambling
Respected Profession: craftsman
Discrimination: race(species)-based
Major Taboo: money
Major Social Ill: alcoholism   

Strength: average
Focus: archers, infantry and cavalry
Main Unit: small troops of centaurs
Soldiers: volunteers
Main Use: scouting, guarding, monitoring
Rank: earned through heroic actions

Occurence: very common
Source: inherent ability
Major Use: personal combat
Viewed: with respect
Enchanted Items: fairly common   

Type: pantheism and worshiping the king-deity
Focus: health and physical well-being
Worship: solemn organized prayer in public temples
Associated Artform: chanting
Prevalence: believed by almost all
Holidays: very often   

Urban: 5%
Rural: 95%
Literacy Rate: 3%
Gender Ratio: 0.58 male(s)/female: adult male are called studh (stallion,stud) and adult female are called marko (mare)
Fertility Rate: 3.4 children/family: young centaurs are called pul-o (foal/filly)
Life Expectancy: 35.8 years

Fansol, wife of Horse-King Cykr, is quite beautiful, with ashen skin, short, straight light grey hair and mane, bucksin coat, and eyes the color of gleaming steel. She is tall and broad-shouldered, and tends to look sad. She usually wears worn, ragged clothing dyed green-brown.

She is also associated with politics and seduction. She is often worshiped by merchants. Her surprisingly few followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are widespread banners to her near bridges. There are many stories and myths involving her competitive relationship with Jait. She is the sister of Jait. She is known to occasionally mislead virtuous foreigners.

Anandan, the daughter of Cykr and Fansol, is very beautiful, with ebony skin like her grandmother, long, straight black hair and mane, black coat, and eyes the color of shining silver. She is average height and of hearty build, and seldom smiles. She usually wears a hooded cloak dyed blue-green and brown.

She is also associated with gambling, souls, and witches. She is often worshipped by the elderly. Her numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by their secret language. There are quite a few carvings of her near rivers. There are many myths involving her many misadventures with Fansol. She is known to give aid to foreigners seeking vengeance.

Jait, son of Cykr and Fansol known for deceit, victory and feasts, even more than his sister he is shockingly beautiful, with ebony skin, short, black hair, black mane and coat, and eyes the color of jade. He is average height and muscular, and almost never frowns. He usually wears a tattered cloak dyed grey and medium yellow.

He is also associated with opposites, the wind and medicine. He is often worshipped by priests. His almost fanatical followers can be primarily distinguished by their secret language. There are a few offerings to him in mountains. There are many myths involving his happy relationship with Cykr. He is known to give some help to random foreigners.

Iletrel, military leader
Iletrel, leader of the uiros (warriors) and wor-to (wardens, guards) of the Horse-King, older son of the last king who died of illness. He is also one of the king's nephew. He is extremely beautiful, with pale skin and coat, shoulder length, black hair and mane, and eyes the color of rusted metal. He is short and broad-shouldered, and is usually smiling. He usually wears a tattered cloak dyed yellow-orange and white.

He is also associated with vengeance and war. He is often encountered by wanderers. Most of the time he is surrounded by soldiers and wardens. Frequently he is out checking guard posts, defenses, and acting as an envoy frequently with the elves. There are many stories and myths involving his daring adventures with certain foreigners. He is the brother of Naraxeth. He is known to pose riddles to foreigners.

Naraxeth, younger son of the last king who died of illness, nephew of the current king, Cykr. He is the brother of Iletrel. A lover of storms and cats, is unusually appearance, with tanned skin, white coat, waist length, dark grey hair and mane, and eyes the color of fire opals. He is of average height and of average build, and looks rather smug. He usually wears light and airy robes and barding dyed tan and bright blue.

He is a mystical mortician also associated with death, funerals, graves, and burials. He is often followed by men. His few, but dedicated followers can be primarily distinguished by the death magic they wield. There are a few temples for him and his services near cemeteries in the valley. There are many stories and myths involving his happy relationship with Iletrel. He is known to send dreams and nightmares to foreigners and heroes.


I also think it is important to provide help for some races to be in some areas, ie a 1/2-ling community would need some type of natural or magic protection to keep itself safe unless it was a very settled area or they settled it with another race. 
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Quote from: markc on November 23, 2015, 12:28:52 AM
I also think it is important to provide help for some races to be in some areas, ie a 1/2-ling community would need some type of natural or magic protection to keep itself safe unless it was a very settled area or they settled it with another race. 

Beyond being in a semi difficult to reach valley sort of similar to Rivendell - surrounded by desert hills, maybe using something like "few carvings of him at crossroads" imbued with some sort of fear causing magical totems that pushes away those that haven't been blessed by their shamans or priests yet. It might be a possibility. They are located near the elves as well. Their main battles coming from the Scorpion centaurs in the hills.

I'm open to ideas.


One discrepancy change I may see is the original random rolled up info for Life Expectancy: 35.8 years which is probably human based. I only referenced that horse lived 20 to 30 years and that medieval humans lived around 30 yrs, so I thought the age range plausible. The C&M says centaur horses 150 years - so they may have some disease resistance, metabolism, or antioxidant beyond regular physiology.

Also, another common occurrence that I read is that they enjoy drinking alcohol. The Major Social Ill: alcoholism fits well that aspect of culture.

C&M says they enjoy looking towards the sky and have architecture with many windows to the sky. That will be one consideration when creating the towns. Also ramps seem more plausible than stairs for multiple level buildings, though single floor seem more practical.