Space Master New/Unified

Started by IronSoul_AMS, December 14, 2014, 06:10:28 PM

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SM:P is plenty generic.  I run a homebrewed setting that is currently limited to Sol system.  No animal races, though I have been tempted to use them as genetic slaves/assassins.  Highly illegal slaves/assassins I might add.  I have resisted temptation so far, but all that pre-made material is so very inviting.

Seeing ICE grow big and strong enough to write setting books would be most welcome and make me very, very happy.  Maybe Pete could produce his Eastern Middle Earth stuff under a different name for RM?  Terry is obviously taking a re-release of the Empire seriously.  Considering how creative Defendi's work in SM:P was, maybe he could be tapped to write something? 

Time will tell.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


I would buy an SMU (and RMU for that matter).
I would find it very difficult to find people to run it, but I'd get it for old times sake and a good read.
I just don't think a lot of roleplayers these days have the patience to learn RM.\
All my old RM and SM players are spread over the world, although we sometimes chat about RM and RM with fond memories, but I doubt we'll ever game together again.

I was never that fussed on Privateers, although I did buy most of the books many years ago. I probably wouldn't buy into a re-hash of Privateers.

Wōdwulf Seaxaning

I've been running two people new to RM in my RMU playtest but the rest have RM experience. Your average Newbie might be turned off by the complexity but I think most would give it a shot if the opportunity arose.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

David Johansen

For myself, I liked the Privateers setting and I'd like some answers.  What happens to androids that log into the datanet?  What is behind the Kagoth turning bloodthirsty, or perhaps what wore off that turned them peaceful?  Why are there no signals from races beyond known space?  What were the ancients up to?  Who were the ancients?  Those kind of things.  I've thought about doing some articles and put some work into a character editor but really I'm awfully busy and not very motivated.

Wōdwulf Seaxaning

I have to admit after my RMU Playtest I'll be gun-shy about SMU now. That said, I'd love for Terry to produce an updated system agnostic setting book, with SMU, SM2 & HARP Sci-Fi system specific crunch for the setting if needed (likely for both HARP Sci-Fi & SMU). As long as the new update doesn't have a ton of new rules or crunch heavy elements I could use it with SM2 supplement.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Grinnen Baeritt

Quote from: Warl on February 16, 2015, 03:14:14 PM
Spacemaster should be interchangeable with rolemaster.

Rolemaster should be the core book and Spacemaster a "Companion" book that gives you the professions, skills, talents and equipment for running generic Space games.

What he said. :)

IMHO.... RMU is taking a very long time to organise. (rightly so) BUT the matter of making it FULLY generic should have been a prime consideration in it's design. What I do not want to see is a Core system that cannot fully handle the additional complexities of what is simply another genre. I want to be able to easily adapt genre specific "Details" into RMU rather than adding "Rules Changes/Additions".  I.e. Piloting, Psionics, Space flight, Science ALL these should be easily slotted into the RMU seamlessly.   

David Johansen

That was discussed quite a bit in the design of RMU, back when I was still involved.  I think SMU will go much faster because the system will be all hashed out and it'll be more a matter of filling in the blanks.


Quote from: Terry K. Amthor on December 19, 2014, 04:44:45 AM
Quote from: markc on December 15, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
  From what I have seen is that it may be the same universe as SM2 as Terry K Amthor has been asking questions about that universe setting. But again a lot of things can happen before a product is published.
But if there is enough interest I think that the Privateers Universe setting could have a set of books also.

The current plan is to do a new edition of the original Barrett/Amthor Imperium setting. Defendi's SpaceMaster is a different universe, and, while compelling, is incompatible. These would have to be done separately.

I would go for this.  Too bad about Aliens and Artifacts, though.


Anyone got any sort of update on activity for this product?
The universe is hostile. So impersonal. Devour to survive; So it is; So it's always been.  ~Tool; Vicarious~


I'm really hoping that any new Spacemaster Unified product will be a core release of a Player Core that sticks to rules for how players are created, and how they are run, that doesn't contain any setting information (e.g. setting agnostic), so other than defining a sample race (e.g. humans), keep the races out of it.  I would rather all race, culture, and flavor be setting specific, and in its own product (e.g. SMU Privateers - Player's Guide, SMU Imperium - Player's Guide,  Then release a GM Core that focuses on how to run the game, universe building, etc., and keep setting information out, releasing it into its own products (e.g. SMU Privateers - Campaign Setting, SMU Imperium - Campaign Setting,


I still think you need some sample aliens in SMU core, if only to show what the system can do. You cannot avoid some setting information, because there will be some base assumptions about future technology, for example. That's far more structural than the races in the core book, just as replacing Spell Law is a lot harder than just replacing RMU races with new ones. For that matter, even sticking to humans, you have to expect variants in interstellar civilizations, whether purely due to random genetic drift, evolutionary pressures in new environments, genetic engineering, or various mixes of all three. You could easily have over a dozen listings just for human types. But if the core doesn't address aliens, that's a pretty big hole to leave in a generic system. "Humans only" is an assumption for specific setting.

That said, I don't think there needs to be a setting in the core book, anymore than there is for the fantasy core. You should be able to play a version of the Traveller Imperium, the Star Wars galaxy, the Firefly 'Verse, or the Star Trek future with SMU. Some of the tech specifics might need more specialized books to flesh out (power swords don't belong in core, but in a weapons expansion; there are so many variant FTL drives, not to mention STL drives, that only a few can be touched on in core and even those should get further fleshed out with possible variation in a starship book), but the base should be flexible and expandable to support many different futures.
Rolemaster: When you absolutely, positively need to have a chance of tripping over an imaginary dead turtle.


I want to clarify that I never intended to suggest Core should be for humans only. My point was that humans could simply be included as a sample race. If the GM Core doesn't provide rules for building races, I believe it might be falling short of one of its purposes.

The detailed information about specific races would make more sense in setting-specific books. For example, in Imperium, you'd find all the details about humans and their variants, as well as androids, transhumans, etc., because their stats, history, and lore are tied to that setting. Similarly, Privateers would have its own unique approach.

That said, I'm glad we're on the same page about not including too much setting-specific information in the Core.