Dark Sun

Started by PhillipAEllis, August 16, 2013, 01:06:27 AM

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I heard that there's been a conversion of the Dark Sun setting to the Rolemaster system. What do you know about it?
Formerly: ghyle.

Rolemastery blog: http://rolemastery.blogspot.com.au/


Now thats something I'd like to see! Can't say I've heard of anything though, sorry. I haven't read those books in a very long time.


I tracked it down at http://www.dunharrow.org/work/rm/Rolemaster%20-%20Dark%20Sun%20-%20Athas,%20The%20Ravaged%20World.pdf by Googling (without quotation marks) "dark sun rolemaster filetype:pdf" since I guessed it would probably be a PDF document. I haven't looked through it yet, so can't comment on it.
Formerly: ghyle.

Rolemastery blog: http://rolemastery.blogspot.com.au/


Oh I remember that one I found it just after I finished converting spelljammer to rolemaster and remember thinking how much I wished I found that months before as I would have been running that instead lol

Its not a bad one but I think it needs quite a few tweaks.


Hmmm... just had a look on wiki and nothing mentions RM having Dark Sun?


Dark Sun is an old D&D setting and I also think there was someone on the boards working on a conversion to RM.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


That someone did a thorough job! 200+ pages in that pdf! Cheers to Conan.

For me it was a very evocative setting; supported by a couple a video games and having some awesome mechanics, I recommend looking through the pdf in the very least.
Game On!


Wow, see if you can put it into the vault.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Thom @ ICE

The conversion in the vaults - Dark Sun converted for RMC is 8 pages long
Find it Here

If there is a 200+ page version of Dark Sun for Rolemaster it is likely a violation of IP for both companies as I cannot imagine a 200+ page Rolemaster book that would not include significant system information and definitely not for the setting material.
Email -    Thom@ironcrown.com


Ok, well that defiantly surprised me! It was very well done indeed and the rules gelled with RM completely. I intend to go through it more thoroughly and gleam some ideas from it.


I have both of those, the 8-page one for RMC and the 252-page one for "Rolemaster" (I believe it is for RM2/C). Other than that, I don't know what to tell you about it; it is Dark Sun done with RM rules, just not RMSS/FRP. I would say though, that if you are going to run Dark Sun, take a play out of the RMU playbook and set the characters at least at Legendary power level, probably Epic.

Gawds! What I would give for someone to run that for me. Dark Sun is my all-time favorite fantasy setting (Shadow World is a close second, so Stay Calm Everyone, and Game On) and I would drop playing any other game if that one came along.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.


As the big one contains attack tables, I imagine it does violate IP.  8) (I didn't make it, I just found it.)
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.