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A Short Essay on Skills
« on: March 21, 2024, 09:13:56 PM »
Another any RM flavor...

I know I posted something about this (specifically communications, linguistics, I thimk it was about Languages) some long while ago, but I did find the old essay I wrote to TSR, Inc. An old TXT file from DOS with BBS FidoNET days, about skills in a Role Playing System (RPS).  It got ignored of course.  Here is that essay with some addendum editing...  This was before Star Trek: The Next Generation began airing.  That would be before 1985...



A short essay on

Those Replicative & Multiplicative Skills

Herein, I discuss how those damnable skills can be so numerous, they have no limit. LITERALLY, infinite.  Let us look into just the "Communications/Linguistics" category, a sub-category of the "Academics" Major Category.  This was one difference between my ERPS (being reused) and the RMU.  I have languages under Academics : Communications/Linguistics.  Twelve different forms now.

How many forms of communication are there? I shall begin the list:

  • Vocal, Speech
  • Written, Printed
  • Visual, Sign
  • Sonic, not Vocal
  • Telepathy, Verbal
  • Odor, Chemical
  • Visual, Optical
  • Vibratory, Tremors
  • Gravitic Modulations
  • Movement, Dance
  • Telepathy, Emotions (Empathy)
  • Tactile, Touch
  • ????

7734, I came up with 12 in about 150 seconds (2½ minutes). Can you think of any others? Give suggestions. Now I shall add annotations.

  • Vocal, Speech: We do this to roleplay. Whale songs. Porpoise clicks, whistles, screeches, etc. Greater Apes hoots, hollers, roars. Et cetera.
  • Written, Printed: For one, you are reading an example. Books. WWW pages. Printouts. Hand written. Et cetera.
  • Visual, Sign: Think American Sign Language and the other 140+ sign languages across Earth. Military Signs. Et cetera.
  • Sonic, not Vocal: Think cricket chirping, cicada buzzing, etc. Et cetera.
  • Telepathy, Verbal: Verbal speech mind-to-mind. See Star Trek: "The Menagerie", Parts 1&2. Of course, this can be expanded to include other mental communications. Et cetera.
  • Odor, Chemical: Ants and bees use this. Many others. Et cetera.
  • Visual, Optical: Like the mesmerizing effects of the cuttlefish. Hypnotically enthralling color flashes of Dhralorga wings. Et cetera.
  • Vibratory, Tremors: Communication through vibration/tremor modulations.  This is totally different than "Sonic, not Vocal" above in that the vibrations/tremors go through materials, not the air
  • Gravitic Modulations: Communication through gravitic manipulation and modulations.  Really thimk.
  • Movement, Dance: Much more complex and extravagant than Visual, Sign languages, utilizing sometimes extremely elaborate patterns and cycles. Sometimes, it can be so obvious you do not see it. Sometimes, so subtle you also miss it. Porpoise can do this while swimming.  This form is almost always utilized by at least a small group of beings in a movement and/or dance style of communication through the patterns and cycles in the movement and/or dance.  However, if like the Wraithes and Andelain, numbers can be huge.  Think of the old fashined Square Dance being a "language" instead of a boring event. ;) Et cetera.
  • Telepathy, Emotions (Empathy): Where do you think the word empathy comes from? Emotional Telepathy. Just kidding. But it is communication through emotions/empathic feelings.  Love.  Fear.  Bewilderment.  Whoa!  <laugh>.  Remember ONE thing about this form.  It is the MOST powerful; thus, self-fulfilling of all stats: Empathy stat, i.e.  THUS, it IS also the MOST unreliable.  Really, THIMK Critically...
  • Tactile, Touch: Think American Braille. Helen Keller's Hand language.
  • ????: can you think of any others?
  • Et cetera. ...

Now, Think Critically about this: Within each form above, how many languages are there? See? Communications done replicated into 12 (or more?) forms of communication and multiplied into an innumerable number of languages.

Thimk Critically.

Another point to remember: As technology increases; thus, do the number of skills approaching infinity.

THIMK Critically.

Basically, whatever skill you want, make it up. Write up a description. Apply three stats. Present to the GM. Here is an example of how difficult it can be:

Combat : Weapon : Siege Weapons : Ballista

  • Agility for aiming;
  • Quickness for aiming;
  • Strength for recock and reload;
  • Reasoning to judge  lead-on ;
  • Intuition that "gut feeling" you will nail it;
  • Self Discipline to hold fire until ordered. "Hold...", "Hold...", ...

Wow! Six stats. See?

So many skills.  Different stats that make different differences.

On my new world, Etherlan, there is a species that can communicate through tremors placing their four hands together.  They use rock and stone to "print" their language, through incuse.  They can hear us just fine.  Us, meaning Us Human Three.  No problem.  For them, their tremor song they can only print their meaning and we interpret through incuse into stone and rote from having to copy and get meaning.  Just think....

What else can I say except:

Skills, Skills, AND, More Skills.  Gosh Darn!

O! My!


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