Now that the RM:C rules have been done for Fantasy Grounds, would it be the same amount of work on top of what's already been done to make an RMFRP ruleset or would it be a lot quicker as most of the ground work is already there now?
The reason I ask is because I use RMFRP (what a shock from my first para) and have built up my collection to include ALL the books (very expensive) and have spent a great deal of time getting all those rules into my head so switching over to the RM:C rules is not an option I wish to take.
BUT... The ease of using a utility like this would save an enormous amount of time in keeping track of combat and, for the price (compared to what I've already invested in RMFRP), is worth buying it and seeing how easy it would be to edit it to suit my needs.
I also use the Combat Companion with the ARs and new weapon tables and as it's primarily a RM:C book, I was surprised that it wasn't available with the RM:C ruleset. Is there a way to add on info from future books to the RM:C ruleset (like expansion packs containing optional rules) or would it mean a re-write of the RM:C ruleset as a whole?
On the subject of other rulesets, is there anything planed for Spacemaster?
On another note, character creation is something that needs doing but I've managed to finish those that fairly quickly for my party's characters. It's the combat tracking that would make this a 'must buy' for me. Is there a way to create 'combat only' rulesets (which may take a lot less time to develop) or is it a case of Fantasy Grounds needing ALL info programmed into the ruleset not just the combat rules?