New World - Aioskoru

Started by kwickham, October 28, 2015, 08:01:48 PM

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Are lycan wolf-humans like cat people or are they were's?
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Quote from: markc on October 31, 2015, 03:05:05 PM
Are lycan wolf-humans like cat people or are they were's?
Lycan, as in short for lycanthrope.
Same thing.

I know some movies just refer Lycans to werewolves, but I am using it short for all transformation beings.

The cat people I have seen in different games are permanently felines humanoids without transformation powers. I have seen some jackal type people, but not as much as the feline people.


Was there not a RM race called the Wulfin that were the analog of cat people?

Also when another game system created came out with their system based on various were's it was a huge change to how I saw various races and just what they could do for a game world and by breathing some life into them just what a huge impact it can have. The same goes for "monster" type races and allowing them to not be so cookie cutter has a huge impact on most games.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


In RM, Vulfen are wolf people (non-transforming). Vulf = wolf. Sibbicai are jackal people. Idiyva are feline people.

Some kind of cat people can be found in many settings and systems. I think some avoid including them because the over-cute anime catgirl trope could undermine the setting tone. You don't have to take it that way, but you have to consciously work against it if that's not what you want.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


Hex Map
I am working on putting more world features into a hex map version. Already done are hills, mountains, volcanoes, desert sand, sand dunes, lght coniferous, lght deciduous, heavy deciduous, jungle, marsh, grassland, highlands, lowlands, snow, lakes, seas, and major rivers.

To Do
Still needed on the map are heavy coniferous forest, swamp, cactus, broken land, plateau, and desert rocky mainly. Also maybe some mixed terrain.

I plan on trying to post the world features map here once those are completed. It is over 13,000 hexes. When I do, it wont have any labels, cities, names, roads, minor rivers, or anything except the biomes and natural features. Anyone can use it. I will also give a link to be able to download the hex symbol kit useful to alter the map.

I plan on doing earth type animals first, around 50, maybe categorized. Those animals become the food and resources for the races and stronger creatures. For animals, probably the easiest method would be to make a mini map from the outline version I had made, for each animal and then highlighting or shade the area where that animal lives.


The complete Hex grid Aioskoru world map, without cities or roads.

You may change or use any part, or all of this map for anything.

You can download the public domain black and white hex symbols from which can be used to change or alter this or any hex map.

In the next few days, when time permits, I will begin to tackles the basic animal locations for this world.


Basic list of animals and major locations for Marsh and Jungle animals.


GIF of globe
North pole
South pole


An alternative Aioskoru Mythology
1.5 to 2 billion years - Aioskoru cools from a molten state.

1.5 to 1 billion years - A several ice planets, moons, and comets bombard Aioskoru, bringing water the the now cooled planet.

1 billion to 500 million years - The transforming maggots crawl up to the right hand and fall, leap, or crawl their way onto the planets, several of which end up on Aioskoru.

Forming basic life forms
The maggots multiply, change, and form into new life forms to fit the environment. Those near water develop rudimentary fins and gills, living part or full time in shallow water. Those near land develop legs or begin to slither. Some keep their fly-like wings. During this time, tentacles, worms, and exoskeletons also are formed.

Forming basic plants
Some of them, rather than moving around form roots and rudimentary photosynthesis limbs which become leaves. Initial algae, spore bearing moss, and tube like structures that would become trees formed. Basic grasses, ferns, and small trees are formed during this period.

Early Monsters and Creatures
From these rudimentary life forms formed from the maggots that had eaten from Hewhoshestes, early creatures developed. Most of the lifeforms including plants formed different forms of teeth. They also formed claws, thorns, and barbs. The armored skin and scales also formed as a form of protection.

These initial creatures were small. As time went on, the sizes of the creatures and plants increased, each trying to be larger than the next, fueled by Hewhoshestes essence which pumped through each species.

Peter R

Just a really minor note, if you ever produce a 'product' from this the first planetary age date range should probably be 2 - 1.5 billion years not the other way around.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


No plans for a product. Just a fan created world. A play with available tools and ideas.

What's really attracting me so far is the lack of gods beyond the initial causal god - a god that is more passive. More of a transforming and evolutionary world, fueled continuously by transforming powers.

Whereas the powers influencing the creatures, and being influenced by the creatures and environment create subtle changes over time. Departing into fantasy creatures at appropriate periods of time.

Whereas, most other worlds I have seen have a set number of gods, which create this and that thing, or control a type of aspect of the world. However, an alternative set of those gods can be added just for familiarity. A world created from a dying god, or parts of a dead god, is a common theme among several mythologies.

I don't like the idea of having a portal to an evil world, where chaotic influences enter. It has been overdone in my opinion. As an alternative, I am trying to figure out how the inner world could create a similar effect. Something not invaded upon, rather something that becomes.

Power based on an interaction of internal and external properties - minus the skeleton creator - is something I have a few scribbled down notes briefly. I sort of have a basis for several powers. I haven't figured out undead, ghosts, and demons yet. It might have to go back to that initial force obtained when the maggots ate the flesh of the god. Sort of like eternal living life force of some sort - imparted, shared, and divided through chromosomal DNA among offspring.

As for the centaur races, a common humanoid and centauroid species with upper torso, arms, and a head, with some sort of common lower torso is  also something I recently considered. Where one developed two legs and the other developed

Looking at squid and octopus ability to blend and camouflage seems like a great basis for shapechanging creatures.

I like the idea of the bombardier beetle as a influence of elemental fire attacks - with glands in the hands of the caster.

Invisibility described more as a altered translucent state, seems interesting - where light somehow passes through or is bent around, rather than absorbed by cells.


Here a list of animals and locations of Deserts and Deciduous Forests. These go along with the Marsh and Jungle posted in an earlier post.


6 Main Seas
From north to south
Kersos Mori (Black/Dark Sea)
Telpos Mori (Sea of Heaven/Space)
Esnes Mori (Blood Sea)
Delos Mori (Storm Sea)
Nebhos Mori (Sky Sea)
Pakos Mori (Sea of Peace)

12 Mountains Ranges:
north to south, east to west
Kuelos Gweres (Far Away)
Dhuer Gweres (Door, Gateway)
Ansu Gweres (Ghost, Haunted)
Sendhros Gweres (Melt, Fluid)
Akuos Gweres (Rocky, Sharp)
Kas-nos Gweres (Gray)
Uastos Gweres (Desolation, Waste)
Meis Gweres (Mist)
Bhreu Gweres (Edge)
Ghel Gweres (Gold)
Bhrateres Gweres (Brothers)
Strues Gweres (Ancient, Old Men)


Nenektos Lendh - Undying Lands

The dekos nokutos lendh (southern continent) is called in common tongue Nenektos Lendh (Land of the No Dying [Undying/Immortal/Eternal]

This is the most ancient of all the lands. The forests of the elves surround Strues Gweres ("The ancient, old men mountains"). The southern lands are highly enchanted with old powers, The land that has, through erosion, exposed the deepest depth of the planetary core and rare elements, metals, gems, and rocks. The electromagnetic forces here are greater than anywhere else on Aioskoru.

The stormy area near the Bhrateres Gweres ("Brothers Mountains") - a narrow stretch of land connecting to the other continent - forms a natural barrier easily defendable.

The Esnes Mori (Blood Sea) to the nokutos (north) is named so from all the battles having occurred in these water in defense of the elven lands. Also, these waters are naturally stormy due to the inflow of cool polar air mixed with equatorial hot air, which cuts across at the continental joint - the narrow neck of land - normally as a strong easterly storm front.

The Nebhos Mori (Sky Sea) lies to the west and far eastern edge - a cold water which near the southern polar cap contains icebergs, especially during the summers. Several larger islands are off the coast.

Strues Nemos Aelfiz Lendh ("Ancient Forest Elven Land") is the name in common tongue of the Elven forest, located in the Auos Nenektos Lendh (Eastern Undying Lands) . These trees are old and large. Variations of trees not found anywhere else are found here.

This area does have a winter time, when the deciduous forest leaf will loose leafs (Fall season), and snow may occur (winter).

Near the volcanoes, warm springs may provide natural heat even during the winter. Several of the springs elven villages are built around to provide hot springs and natural warmth year round.

Common animals in region which they hunt, domesticate, eat, or use for material include: Bears, Deer, Caribou, Reindeer, Moose, Coyote, Lynx, Wolves, Wolverine, Muskox, Cardinal, Duck, Eagle, Hawk, Turkey, Beaver, Badger, Fox, Hare, Muskrat, Porcupine, Opposum, Squirrel, Raccoon, Small snakes, and frogs.


These two don't require maps. Tundra is at the north and south poles and up to the trees. Alpine is on the various mountains around the world.

polar bear, wolf, wolverine, fox, hare, caribou, weasel, small rodent, muskox, porcupine, shrew, squirrel, mouse, weasel, owl, ptarmigan, raven, goose, sandpiper, tern, swan, seagull, cod, flatfish, salmon, trout, bee, fly, grasshopper, mosquito, moth.

cougar, leopard, lynx, elk, ibex, llama, fox, hare, marmot, marten, mountain goats, mouse, pika, shrew, skunk,  bighorn sheep, weasel, yak, condor, grouse, beetles, dragonfly, grasshoppers, spider


Keios Lendh - Nektos Lendh - Homeland - Dying land
Opposite the Esnes Mori (Blood Sea) the Manus (humans) originate. This is the sometimes called the Nektos Lendh (Dying land) in reference the the mortal nature of humans, compared to Elven immortality. Distinctly to the inhabitants it is called the Keios Lendh (Homeland).

In the ancient time, both of the lands were connected. Tales tell of ancient cities sinking into the seas.

This is a land filled with jungle, swamps, lakes, and desert. They form natural barriers around this land. A highland limestone ridge divides the land into two sections. One to the north and three to the east, volcanoes erupt occasionally. The mountains to the east are the Ghel Gweres (Gold Mountains). Metals for the humans are mined from this range.

The northwest region of this area is the Dusos Selom (Evil/Bad/Foul Desert) and the Dusos Lat (Evil/Bad/Foul Swamp). Undead, ghosts, wraiths, and spirits fills this region.

To the west is the Telpos Mori (Sea of Heaven/Space), an expansive sea.

Most of time the wind is blowing west, across the land to the western sea.


Calendar a few time details

Aioskoru - 471 days in a year at 1.25 AU orbit around the yellow sequence star referred to as Sohwl in common human language.
There are 13 months (Vrim) per year (Sohwl).

Day (Deyn)
24.4525 our earth hours per day

Week (Gaon)
9 days per week based on one complete orbit of the smaller moon Gaon around Aioskoru.

Names in common human language of the nine days of the week, mostly describing how the moon looks, in order from new moon.


Month (Vrim)
36 days (4 weeks) per regular month. 37 days for some months. Extra day months falling at the final months of the year. A month is mostly based on the orbit of the larger moon Vrim, which is 36 days. Several months have the extra day to help fit the months into the year, and leap years.

Names in common human language of the thirteen months mostly describine the seasons, in order from solstice. "Sneigwei","Yegos","Bhelos","Alghei","Rekos","Bheis","Egas","Osem","Ehteros","Deguos","Hesenos","Keweros","Gelos"


(A) More time
Seconds approximately are based on Keredbhaues (heart beats) which average at 0.75 seconds, but can very per person from an unhealthy 0.60 sec pulse to a healthy 1.35 sec average.

Time is also measured using the distance the sun can travel. Such measurement requires a fixed structure of measurement.

The next time period is the time for the sun to move a Guistis (finger) width. This is approximately 15 min of our time.

Holding the hand up with four fingers straight is a Ghes-ros (hand) width. This is approximately 1 hour. Camp is normally set up at least one Ghes-ros before sunset. On clear nights, the same system can be used for moon movement.

(B) Species types (racial)
Centaur types: Uksinmanus (bull), Bhron-tosmanus (deer), Ekouinmanus (horse), Leovimanus (lion), Lecartosmanus (lizard), Skiehmanus (scorpion), Spinnanmanus (spider)

Morimanus (Mermen, mermaid)

Were-folk - root word -maimanus which means change or mutate from human form adding the creature name in front.

Waylkwosmaimanus (Werewolf)

(C) Semimanus Lendh & Nderi Morimanus Lendh
Kingdom of the centaurs and merfolk

These Lendh (occupying regions) are located near the Keios Lendh, located both west in the ocean the Nderi Morimanus Lendh (Underwater Mer-folk region) and to the east the Semimanus Lendh (half-human) region of the Centaurs, which also connects to the Nenektos Lendh (Undying Lands) in the south.


No one has chimed in for a while, anyone want to add, change or eliminate something?

The world is ready to be filled probably. Any name is changeable.

Or add an alternative addition.

Or take an area to develop?